More than a quarter of a million for the Gmunden city cemetery – 2024-02-08 22:09:19

by worldysnews

In the last two years, the municipality has invested no less than a quarter of a million euros in the maintenance, renovation and expansion of the city cemetery.

The access to the cemetery via Anton-Schosser-Strasse/Gräberfeldweg could be improved by modern street design of the northern access road. “Older cemetery visitors with graves in the rear cemetery area in particular like to use this access on the north driveway. New car parking & Since then, stopping options have made visiting the cemetery much easier!” says environmental city councilor Philipp Wiatschka (NEOS).

Quel­le Stadt­ge­mein­de / Wiatschka

The urn walls were expanded and the possibility of new, modern urn steles for individual grave sites was created. In addition, a very aesthetic memorial semicircle with individual steles was erected.

The soldiers’ graves and war memorials were extensively renovated by volunteers from the Black Cross. Due to the high demand for additional urn spaces due to the increased number of deaths, the row of urns must be supplemented and expanded with another three urn walls earlier than expected this year. The war memorial from the Seebahnhof is to be moved to the entrance area of ​​the cemetery in the spring.

Quel­le Stadt­ge­mein­de / Wiatschka

Renovating hail damage is a mammoth task
The hailstorm of summer 2021 is still remembered by many. This didn’t stop at our cemetery and caused damage worth over €150,000. After a few delays and a two-month renovation and construction period, the comprehensive damage control of the cemetery chapel roof, the roofs of our crypts and the main house was finally completed in December.

A big thank you goes to the cemetery employees, who put a lot of passion and commitment into making our cemetery a very special place. A place of peace, contemplation and compassion!” says Wiatschka.

Photos: municipality/ Wiatschka

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