What foods suppress appetite? – LIST – 2024-03-29 21:14:54

by worldysnews
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Natural appetite suppressants are found in health promoting foods. Some products act effectively as a natural appetite suppressant – they satisfy hunger for a long time due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements.

Publika.az presents those foods with reference to “MedikForum”:


In addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, it also has a positive effect on blood pressure and sugar levels.


Apples are rich in pectin, a dietary fiber that fills you up very quickly. Apple is suitable for breakfast (but not on an empty stomach), ideal for a snack.


The beta-glucan fiber in its composition is a long-chain carbohydrate that provides the body with constant energy for a long time. This contributes to long-lasting satiety and balanced blood sugar levels.


After eating bean-based foods, the feeling of satiety is more persistent. Legumes are rich in fiber and protein. Protein-rich foods themselves can positively affect the feeling of hunger and satiety, because proteins are digested more slowly than, for example, carbohydrates.


Almonds are ideal as a snack because they provide the body with healthy fat and protein, a combination that is effective in curbing appetite.


Low-calorie tomatoes contain very little fat and are rich in vitamin A. They also contain the trace element chromium, which ensures a stable level of sugar in the blood and prevents the feeling of hunger too soon after eating.

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