“We can let the president go to the jewels.” Politicians react to Pavel’s first year. They appreciate the effort to connect

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President Petr Pavel he has completed his first year in office. On the eve of this anniversary, he gave an interview to Czech Television, where he was later joined by his wife Eva Pavlová. In addition to the things that, according to him, he succeeded in the past year, he also talked about his failures, but also about the state of Czech politics, Slovakia, Russia, and the fact that he does not rule out another candidacy in four years.

President Petr Pavel with his wife Eva Pavlova during a balance interview for Czech Television (March 8, 2024) | Reprophoto CT

Politicians and other commentators commented on the speech, as well as the first year of Pavel’s work at the Castle in general, on the broadcast of Czech Television. Representatives of the coalition and the opposition appreciated that the head of state will want to be a mediator across the political spectrum.

“Hope sprouts in me,” said Deputy Speaker of the Chamber Olga Richterová (Pirates). Martin Dvořák (STAN), Minister for European Affairs, pointed out that even abroad, President Pavel has a good reputation as a calm man.

“Finally, the President Can the Crown Jewels,”

According to Jan Bartošek, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (KDU-ČSL) Pavel really brings the company together. “He takes it more as a service, and not as an indulgence to his own ego. He is a brave man who is not afraid of challenges, because it takes courage to sit together with representatives of the coalition and the opposition and discuss the pension reform with them, because the outcome is not clear ahead.” he commented on Pavle’s words that one of the topics where he would like to moderate the debate is the solution to pensions and other requirements.

Bartošek even joked and said that he’s also glad they can finally let the president have the crown jewels. He is not aware that Pavel is not doing his job and, on the contrary, is not doing “extra” things. “He is the first president who respects the competences given to him by the Constitution,” stated and praises the president for returning honor to the Czech Republic.

Deputy Jiří Slavík recalled Zeman’s transgressions on the social network X. “For many years we had to watch the president trample on the values ​​that presidents like Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Václav Havel stood for. I am therefore very pleased that President Petr Pavel kept his promises and that with his accession, the dignity that was missing there for so long has returned to the Castle,” he said.

Top moments of the balance interview with Pavel: Eva in casual clothes and kicking Babiš!

SDP deputy Jan Hrnčíř, who was present at the debate, but criticized the president for not seeing the opposition as, for example, the opposition SPD would like. Bartošek replied that he was having fun with the opposition. He thinks that it would be good to have a dialogue with Pavel and SPD chairman Tomio Okamura.

Among the criticisms was the fact that, according to Minister Dvořák, the president should perhaps go to the regions more, which he has been neglecting lately. “But it exceeds my expectations in every way.”

Deputy chairman of the ANO movement Robert Králíček then he called the fact that he changed the chancellor a weakness and also criticized Pavel’s relationship with one of his advisers, Ondřej Kolář. According to Pekarová Adamová but it’s not such a big drama and there is some fluctuation at the Castle.

There were also reactions on the social network. “A year with a new president is a big change. The Castle does not smell of hostility, nor does anyone point the finger at political opponents. People who have been absent for years appear at the Castle. Students, associations, organizations helping others,” said Minister of the Interior Vít Rakušan (STAN).

He pointed out that the strength that Czechs need in Hrad was not hidden in political solitude, but in the ability to unite people. “And Petr Pavl succeeds with a whole series of good gestures and work done. Better than those before him,” extols the Austrian.

He also responded to the latest topic regarding securing army supplies for Ukraine. “His mission to get military munitions for Ukraine was successful, clever, and managed to quickly excite the 18 countries that joined him financially.” recalled on the X social network.

Digging into Babiš and praise for the effort to connect

The chairman of the Pirates, Ivan Bartoš, also joined. “In the Pirate Party, we share the values ​​of dignity, responsibility and respect for the Constitution and laws. Today, I see President Pavel as an ally in this. From his numerous meetings with people in the regions and with leading world leaders, it is clear that the Czech Republic is in good hands.” stated on the X social network.

His non-partisan approach to politics and his efforts to create a dialogue between different political parties show that the office of the president can be approached in a different way than we are used to.” adds to the topic of attempts at networking between political parties.

Unsuccessful presidential candidate Danuše Nerudová also commented on the calm conversation about the first year at the Castle. But it was a little shorter than the others. “Now imagine that the other gentleman was sitting there today. I thank all my voters who participated in the election in the second round.”

Nerudová most likely took a dig at another unsuccessful candidate whom Pavel defeated in the second round – ANO chairman and ex-prime minister Andrej Babiš.

The chairman of the parliamentary club Jan Jacob (TOP09) also remembered Babiš in his praise. “I don’t even want to imagine what it would look like with a gentleman whose name I don’t even want to say in this connection,” stated on the X social network.

Babiš has not yet added a reaction to Pavlo’s interview. He has not yet commented on a certain small “kick” from the head of state, who stated during the interview that for him Babiš is a representative of populism in the Czech Republic.

Voices of praise are also heard from Brussels, more precisely from MEP Tomáš Zdechovský. “He is a statesman we can be proud of and the envy of the West. He restored decency and dignity to the presidency. After years of subservience to Russia and China, the Castle’s helm turned to the West again. And that’s good!”

And according to MEP Luďek Niedermayer, Pavel is a president we don’t need to be ashamed of and who will also help us. Thanks to him, we are readable, responsible and self-confident partners of the worldwide pro-Western democratic coalition after years. And value politics returned to the Castle. Thanks!”

In his contribution, Minister of the Environment Petr Hladík (KDU-ČSL) recalled that one of the first steps taken by Pavel at the Castle was to appoint him to the position. “During that time, he stood up very well even in the difficult trials that came his way. One of his first steps was to appoint me as Minister of the Environment,” stated on the X social network.

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