Torreón gives luck to Adal Ramones

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A little over a week ago, Adal Ramones came to the Comarca Lagunera.

He ate gorditas, lonches del Payo and met the Cristo de las Noas, which left him amazed. The reason he brought it was to promote the play Otra vez papa, which was presented yesterday with great success at the Isauro Martínez Theater, so much so that it was sold out.

In a meeting that Adal had with El Siglo at the Noas Sanctuary, he revealed that he chose Torreón to start this project, which he is very excited about. The day arrived, and this Thursday, finally, Adal, in the company of actress Ana Belena, premiered said production directed by Anahí Allué.

The Isauro Martínez Theater received the actors, as well as hundreds of people from the region who did not miss the performance. Adal’s Lagunero fans gathered at the Matamoros Avenue venue, almost on the corner of Galeana. Among the audience, Carlos Muñoz arrived, who won tickets at a radio station and said that he always watched Another Roll.

When I took off my accesses I was very happy, I really wanted to see Adal because I didn’t miss Another Roll. I also saw him driving La Academia a few years ago“said the interviewee from Gómez Palacio. The Isauro little by little was filled with people, there were very few empty seats and at the stroke of 8:20 at night, the audience met “Arturo” and “Agustina”, roles played by Adal and Ana Belena.

In the plot, “Arturo” is a man who, after 30 years of being a father, changes diapers again, so his life takes a 180-degree turn. This role also turned out very well for the presenter, because as is known, he recently became the father of a child, along with his wife Karla, who will soon turn one year old. Ramones’ specialty, offering monologues, came to light in Again Dad.

He broke the fourth wall after interacting with attendees about fatherhood.

And although she dreamed of enjoying the moment that was coming, “Agustina” lets her know all the details that come when a baby is on the way and more, when they arrive into the world.

After many laughs caused by the actors, among the spectators, they also received a caress to the heart with the touching finale of the production that will continue to tour Saltillo, Monterrey or León. Throughout the work, Ramones mentioned Cristo de las Noas, gorditas, Payo lonches and a famous restaurant on Independencia Boulevard.

Adal Ramones gladly showed off the covers of this newspaper where he appears (EL SIGLO DE TORREÓN/ VAYRON INFANTE)

Adal Ramones gladly showed off the covers of this newspaper where he appears (EL SIGLO DE TORREÓN/ VAYRON INFANTE)

#Torreón #luck #Adal #Ramones
2024-05-11 20:05:30

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