Regarding the Scientific Publication Polemic, Kumba Digdowiseiso asks all parties to be objective

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National University (Unas) professor Kumba Digdowiseiso asked all parties to be objective regarding him. Photo/special

JAKARTA – Professor at National University (Nails) Kumba Digdowiseiso asked all parties to be objective regarding him. Previously, Prof. Kumba was accused of using other people’s names in scientific publications.

Prof. Kumba’s attorney, Ahmad Sobari, said that his client stated that the accusations currently circulating were not true. Prof. Kumba will follow the examination process carried out by the Fact Finding Team (TPF) which has been formed by Unas to prove that the allegations that have been widely reported are untrue.

Ahmad Sobari explained that one of the false accusations against his client was the use of 160 articles in 2023 and 2024 for the sake of becoming a professor.

“The process for managing Kumba Digdowiseiso as a professor starts in 2021. To manage to become a professor, Kumba Digdowiseiso only uses publications before 2023,” said Ahmad Sobari, Monday (22/4/2024).

Thus, the accusation that the process of managing professor Kumba Digdowiseiso uses 160 articles in 2023 and 2024 is not true. Apart from that, in 98% of the 160 article manuscripts, Kumba Digdowiseiso’s name was the co-author and only 2% of the time Kumba Digdowiseiso was the sole author or first author.

The publication of the article manuscript, said Ahmad Sobari, is related to fulfilling the responsibility for the output of accreditation from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Business Management & Accounting (LAMEMBA) for students and lecturers in 6 Study Programs in 2024. So, the name of Kumba Digdowiseiso is included as a co-author in the manuscript This article is a form of collaborative thinking with students and lecturers. This was done because of limitations, whether human resources, networks or language.

“Kumba Digdowiseiso feels responsible for helping lecturers by providing assistance with publications. This assistance is carried out to support lecturer positions, which ultimately leads to accreditation. As a professor, there is a detachment function that must be carried out. This kind of assistance with publications is a form of grafting as “PAK Dikti Operational Guidelines Obligations,” said Ahmad Sobari.

For this reason, said Ahmad Sobari, Prof. Kumba asked the public and the media to be objective because the cause of this problem is actually clear, and this is still a problem for several universities in Indonesia.


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2024-04-24 05:25:29

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