New Operation Truth in Cuba, tribune of the people who resist

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Organized by the Latin American Information Agency Prensa Latina, it brings together representatives from thirty countries in Havana to discuss current communication and its role in the transformation of societies. The Cuban President, Miguel Díaz-Canel, indicated that wherever there is an alternative communication project against hegemony, there is a true operation.

“Latin Press”. Havana. 1/22/2024. The New Operation Truth International Conference, which culminates today in this capital, becomes a platform from which the rights of the people who resist are defended, its participants recognized.

The event brings together dozens of information professionals from thirty countries who advocate counterhegemonic communication models, capable of giving visibility to historically subjugated majorities. During the first of its days, held the day before at the Royalton Havana Hotel, the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, considered the celebration of the event to be excellent, commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the days that in January 1959 disseminated the reality of the nascent Cuban Revolution.

“It is important and significant for several reasons: it takes up a memorable episode of the Revolution; It is convened and carried out by the prestigious Agencia Prensa Latina, which was born in the heat of that operation; and because it will be held again in Havana, which has been hosting Operation Truth for 65 years,” he said.

He stressed that wherever there is an alternative communication project against hegemony, there is a true operation, and, at this point, he highlighted the importance of these efforts to expose the damage of the blockade that States impose on Cuba, and also to denounce other punitive policies. such as the inclusion of the island on a list that qualifies it as a sponsor of terrorism.

This, he asserted, is an element of blackmail over governments and people that the empire invented in order not to lose its hegemony, now bankrupt.

Lastly, he highlighted the bravery of the journalists currently working in Palestine, who report to the world the excesses of the Israeli army against the Gazan people.

On this topic, the president of the Board of Directors of the Al-Mayadeen Information Network, Ghassan Ben Jeddou, expressed that humanity is experiencing one of the toughest battles for liberation in the face of injustice, racism and brutal occupation.

Through a video message, he warned that despite this being a great and unprecedented tragedy, there are many opinions that try to justify the extermination of a defenseless people.

In the midst of a turbulent context, the president of the Prensa Latina Information agency, Luis Enrique González, explained that this conference calls for exchanges on world journalism.

Aware of the increased risks that the misuse of digital social networks and Artificial Intelligence can entail, he stressed, we are called to avoid it and counteract it from our daily work, from a dignified journalistic exercise.

Let us make this a memorable opportunity, oriented towards permanent action from each place or responsibility we occupy, in pursuit of information that increasingly resembles the reality we live in, that is more inclusive, humanistic and that is not limited to monopolies, González stated.

He recalled how, three months after Operation Truth, Prensa Latina was born, the first and most important alternative media in the region to date.

“The value of Prensa Latina is inextricably linked to that need to speak with its own voice, as a pioneer and school of the fight from the Global South, against misinformation, manipulation and fake news,” he stated.

International conference New Operation Truth continues in Cuba

Organized by the Latin American Information Agency Prensa Latina, it brings together representatives from thirty countries in this capital to discuss communication today and its role in the transformation of societies.

This Monday, attendees will tour the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology to experience the efforts being made by Cuba, a blockaded nation, to develop its biopharmaceutical industry.

Likewise, they will listen to the intervention of the deputy director general of the United States Directorate of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Johana Tablada, to update the participants in the forum on the hostility of US policy against the island.

During the day, one of the panels will have as its topic News agencies in the hypermedia era: from cable dispatch to multimedia news and will feature the words of the president of Prensa Latina, Luis Enrique González.

Likewise, there will be a panel session related to the New World Information Order, a pending challenge in the 21st century with the interventions of scholars from Lebanon, Portugal and other nations.

This international conference celebrates the 65th anniversary of the original Operation Truth called by the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and the subsequent creation of Prensa Latina.

The debate sessions will be held at the Royalton Habana Hotel in the Cuban capital, but participants will have the opportunity to visit other sites of historical and cultural interest in the Caribbean nation.

2024-02-11 20:45:46
#Operation #Truth #Cuba #tribune #people #resist

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