Mapuche Political Prisoners denounce repression and demand respect for their rights

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In a statement addressed to the Mapuche Nation People and to public opinion in general, the Mapuche Political Prisoners – CAM held in the high security prison CP Biobío, have made public a series of complaints against the government of Gabriel Boric, the Public Ministry and the courts of Justice.

In the statement, political prisoners have denounced an increase in repression and harassment towards them by the authorities, pointing out that this situation contradicts international treaties on human rights. The ban on visits, imposed as punishment after the legitimate hunger strike of more than 90 days, has been confirmed by the respective courts, which the prisoners consider a worrying precedent.

The measure prohibiting visits not only affects contact with their families, but also the possibility of feedback based on tradition and culture, which is vital for their physical, medical, human, cultural and spiritual well-being as a Mapuche. They consider this action as a new blow to their identity and way of life.

Furthermore, political prisoners emphasize that hunger strikes are the last instance they have left to protest and be heard in the face of procedural injustices and new abuses. They consider that the punishment for carrying out a hunger strike constitutes abuse and an act of torture, part of a racist and punitive policy of the current government.

Despite the repression, political prisoners reaffirm their commitment to assume prison with dignity and denounce the constant violations and violations of human rights in the prison. They demand the creation of a module for Mapuche community members, holding the government and specifically the undersecretary of justice Jaime Gajardo responsible for the unfair conditions they face.

The statement also expresses solidarity with Claudia Nahuelan, a lamien affected by the government’s decisions, and calls to maintain the territorial fight against extractivism and capitalist investments. The political prisoners reiterate their commitment to the Mapuche resistance and the reconstruction of the Mapuche Nation, without compromising or accepting handouts from the government.

This statement reflects the firm determination of the Mapuche political prisoners to resist repression and defend their fundamental rights, as well as their commitment to the fight for autonomy and the reconstruction of their nation.


To the Mapuche Nation People and to public opinion in general. The Mapuche Political Prisoners – CAM held in the high security prison CP Biobío communicate the following:

We denounce the government of Gabriel Boric that, together with the Public Ministry, the courts of justice (Los Angeles and Temuco) have been carrying out greater repression and harassment towards the PPM, contravening international treaties on human rights. This is because, once the legitimate and dignified hunger strike of more than 90 days was over, the Gendarmerie applied punishment to those of us who carried it out, with the prohibition of visits, which was confirmed by the respective courts. A sanction that constitutes a bad precedent because it is not only about preventing the entry of our relatives, but also the denial of necessary feedback based on tradition and culture, thus restricting all ties with our families and communities, which is the essence of our way. of life and worldview. Without a doubt it is a new blow to our condition as Mapuche, to our ways of life, to our identity. This measure prevents not only our physical medical recovery but also our cultural and spiritual human restoration as Mapuche.

Hunger strikes are an extreme measure, where we expose our bodies, but they are the last instance we have left to protest and be heard in the face of procedural injustices and new abuses. They are a drastic action that becomes necessary to fight for the basic rights of oppressed peoples and that, in our opinion, have an echo in the field of international law. Therefore, we consider that a PUNISHMENT for carrying out a hunger strike constitutes another abuse from oppressive institutions and we consider it an act of torture due to cruel and degrading treatment and that, in our opinion, is part of an increasingly punitive racist policy. by this government and that seeks to break our will to fight.

That despite this policy of repression and harassment, we state that we will continue with our attitude of assuming prison with dignity, denouncing the constant violations and violations of human rights in this prison and that today it continues to affect a group of Mapuche community members more than They find prisoners for fighting for political and territorial claims. Therefore, we once again denounce that in this prison there are no minimum prison conditions for Mapuche community members, which is why the differentiated condition of members of indigenous peoples is not respected. In this sense we want to make it clear that the responsibility for the fact that there is no module for community members lies with the government and falls specifically on the figure of the undersecretary of justice Jaime Gajardo (PC militant) who is in charge of coordinating the current prison conditions with the Gendarmerie. and the repressive measures that are unfairly applied to us. It is for this reason that we reaffirm the demand for a module for community members and we make a unified call to the other PPM for a new mobilization to definitively achieve dignified space and conditions for the weichafe prisoners. We consider that it is an absolutely legitimate demand in times of greater militarization and repression of the territorial and political struggle of our communities and that it confronts the interests of big capital.

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