Jugend Innovativ 2024: Submission phase for Austria’s smartest school competition successfully completed – 2024-04-18 10:12:18

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Federal Ministers Kocher, Polaschek and Gewessler are looking forward to the young people’s innovations.

Vienna (OTS) The selection of the country’s most innovative projects at the 37th edition of Jugend Innovativ 2024 has started. For the 37th time, students between the ages of 15 and 20 have submitted entries to the smartest school competition – Jugend Innovativ. Over 1,600 students and apprentices submitted a total of 427 promising and innovative projects and thus qualified to take part in the 37th competition. By participating in the competition and submitting outstanding projects, Austria’s schools are sending a clear signal each time that they are consciously pursuing the strengthening of innovations and creative projects. Since 1987/88, including the current call for proposals, around 11,900 project teams with around 61,000 young, smart people have taken part in Jugend Innovativ.

“Jugend Innovativ proves every year the entrepreneurial spirit that exists in Austrian youth. Innovations and the creation of companies play a crucial role in the long-term development of the location. This competition makes it clear that it is important to promote economic thinking early on. And this year too, the drive and ability to solve problems is clear in the school projects. I wish all participants much success,” said Labor and Economics Minister Martin Kocher, praising Austria’s smartest school competition.

Education Minister Martin Polaschek is impressed by the large number of submissions: “The many submissions to Jugend Innovativ 2024 are impressive and show the enormous potential and commitment of our young talents. As a research and innovation location, Austria needs exactly these young people who lead the way with a thirst for knowledge and innovative spirit and successfully implement ideas. They are the ones who may be able to raise science and research in our country to a new level in the future as part of a scientific career. A big thank you for the enormous commitment to the students and apprentices and especially to the teachers.”

“As Climate Protection Minister, I am particularly pleased about the numerous innovative submissions in the SUSTAINABILITY category. The new topic of food systems in this category is also an exciting addition. The project submissions show how important the topic is for young people and that they are concerned with solutions to problems that are very relevant today. I am sure that we will see a large number of outstanding climate initiatives here, for which Jugend Innovativ has made the first stage possible,” says Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler about this year’s ideas from the young people.

Submissions were possible in 6 categories

Overall, around 66% of the projects submitted have a MINT focus. These consist of the youngest category ICT & DIGITAL (114 submissions), the categories ENGINEERING I and ENGINEERING II (134 submissions) and the SCIENCE category (33 submissions). The SUSTAINABILITY category (65 submissions) is 15% popular, ahead of the ENTREPRENEURSHIP (42 submissions) with a share of 10% and DESIGN (39 submissions) with a share of 9%.

427 submissions from all over Austria and from schools abroad in Albania

This year, the state of Lower Austria took first place in the federal state ranking with a total of 104 submissions, followed by Upper Austria with 88 submissions. Vienna follows with 65 project registrations. The federal state of Carinthia has recorded a significant increase in project registrations: with 59 submissions, it is just ahead of Salzburg with 56 submissions, followed by Vorarlberg (18), Burgenland (16), Styria (9) and Tyrol (4). The total of 8 project submissions from the Austrian school abroad in Shkodra (Albania) are again pleasing this year.

Competition traditionally popular with young technical talent

The majority of the participating teams, 85%, still come from technical colleges. The proportion of commercial academies/commercial schools, higher education institutions in the fields of fashion, environment or agriculture and polytechnic schools with 11% of the total submissions remains constant compared to the previous year. Submissions from general secondary schools also remained constant at 3%. The participation of teams from vocational and technical schools decreased in this round.

Digi and Eco bonus

The Digi and Eco bonuses were awarded again this year, each worth EUR 300. Eligible project teams were able to apply by submitting a conceptual future scenario, either for the digitalization or sustainability development of a project. A total of 216 applications were received, of which 149 project teams were able to secure a bonus. The respective bonus will be paid out in the spring – a total of EUR 44,700 – and can therefore be invested directly in ongoing projects.

Special Award Vorarlberg

This year, for the third time, through the initiative and cooperation with the “Jugend Vorarlberg forscht” association, young technical and scientific talent from Vorarlberg will be rewarded with the “Special Award Vorarlberg” for outstanding solutions in the field of energy and electrical engineering. The winners from Vorarlberg will receive prizes worth EUR 5,000.

For the 37th time Youth Innovative

The teams now had until the end of January to submit their project reports and thus reach the semi-finals. The 214 selected semi-final projects form the basis for the very selective evaluation process. In the next few weeks, the best projects per category will be determined by a committee and the TOP 5 projects per category will be nominated for the 37th federal final, which will take place from May 27th to 29th, 2024 at Erste Campus.

The 35 final projects from all categories and the Special Award Vorarlberg winners can then expect prize money worth a total of around EUR 60,000 including the audience prize of EUR 1,000 at the award show.

Workshops and consultations to promote the entrepreneurial spirit

While the evaluation committee is busy identifying the best teams, all Youth Innovative teams are given the best possible briefing, training and advice on their further role in the competition or on the further advancement of their project ideas (inventions). The following events will be offered in spring: IPR – Intellectual Property Rights Workshop & Coaching and Video Workshop.

All schools can apply for the “Innovation Protection in Schools” educational measure:

Open Day & Award Show 2024

The national final is the highlight of the competition round every year. After months of work, the best projects in the categories ICT & DIGITAL, ENGINEERING I and ENGINEERING II, SCIENCE, SUSTAINABILITY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP and DESIGN will be presented. As part of the award show, the winners will be honored and the Special Award Vorarlberg will be presented.

If: May 29, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. Open Day, 1:00 p.m. start of the award show

Wo: Erste Campus, Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Vienna hosted by Erste Bank

How: In-person event with live streaming

All information and registration for the award show at:

About Youth Innovative

Jugend Innovativ is run by Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH ( aws). So far, over 11,900 project teams have taken part in the competition. The competition is successfully accompanied on an ongoing basis by workshop offerings and qualification measures (such as strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit, advice on protecting innovation, etc.) for students and teachers. Further information at www.jugendinnovativ.at

Questions & Contact:

Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH
Corporate communication
Matthias Bishop
E: m.bishop@aws.at
T: +43 1 501 75-375

Youth Innovative
Jana Breyer
E: j.breyer@aws.at
T: +43 1 501 75-514

#Jugend #Innovativ #Submission #phase #Austrias #smartest #school #competition #successfully #completed

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