Ivanka Danišová: The last operation was successful. And she is getting married

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Before leaving for Japan in December, Ivanka had no idea whether he will spend Christmas Day in the intensive care unit, or he will be able to be with his friend, who accompanied her. “We experienced some very difficult times in Japanl – separation and a several-hour operation, which was very demanding. The moments at ARO when my situation was really serious were also difficult as part of postoperative complications,” Ivanka Blesk told Zprávám.

Fortunately, she was able to spend Christmas with her boyfriendeven though they were both separated from their families. Ivanka had to go to the hospital for check-ups every day.

How did the last surgery go?

Like Ivanka now he cautiously admits, the operation went well. “What was the goal craniofacial surgery is slowly becoming a reality, but still have to wait before the half-year recovery ends,” explains the happy woman, saying that despite the difficult operation and work engagement is experiencing one of the happiest periods in life.

“It is an incredibly beautiful feeling that with this operation I ended my great struggle, on the other hand, there will always be a question mark in my mind – what if something goes wrong, what if there is a complication, because I will basically function without my American and Japanese professors. This is what I fear the most, because here in Europe I do not have the necessary health care,Ivanka comments on her biggest fear.

A fairy tale ending

But her life is in Japan changed not only in terms of health. “My beloved partner he proposed to me in a magical place in Japan. We decided walking a common path through life and I am very much looking forward to all the beautiful things that await us. We flew out of Japan as engaged and that feeling he was incredibly beautiful, the most beautiful in my life, Ivanka confided with another happy news. During her difficult fight for her health, she met the love of her life.

her story which the whole of the Czech Republic watched and was preparing for her operation, therefore has a happy ending.

“Extremely I really appreciate the help and huge support from Blesk readers, because and thanks to them, my journey through the craniofacial battle reached the finals. My thanks are deep in my heart, I will never forget how my story became an inspiration to many people and how people lived my story of struggle for several years,” concludes Ivanka.

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