Index – Interior – Viktor Orbán said who can tremble

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Viktor Orbán began his speech by saying that he happily comes to the festival every year because he thinks that the Hungary of the future will be drawn in such places.

We, the older ones, know that the future of Hungary is always written by talented young people. 15-20 years ago, even in Hungary, it was thought that the future would be determined by people with a degree in intellectual occupations, but in the last 15 years we have built up a work-based economy, and everyone knows: without work and skilled work, without skilled work and skilled workers, there is no future.

The prime minister emphasized that today the backbone of the Hungarian economy is provided by skilled workers and industrialists. If the people of the spirit also make the most of themselves, and the two worlds are well connected, this will make a successful Hungary.

According to the Prime Minister, we live in an age when it is difficult to foresee the future, trends and fashions change from day to day, he remembers that at the beginning of the decade there was still news that new technologies would soon replace manual work, then it turned out that manual work cannot be replaced with a computer.

Clerks, lawyers, drafters and programmers may tremble.

Viktor Orbán guaranteed four things

According to the prime minister, no one previously thought that war could break out, or that the European Union, “which we saw as the guarantee of our prosperity, is losing its way and has fallen behind in the world’s great economic race behind America and Asia”.

Viktor Orbán emphasized that in an unpredictable world, the government’s task is to help young people stand on their own feet and start their own independent lives. It is difficult to predict what the future will bring, but the government’s job is to provide timeless and up-to-date training for everyone, which is why they have agreed with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to jointly renew vocational training and invest in the future.

What is modern is also timeless, what is timeless will hold its own in the future and remain competitive in a changing world

the Prime Minister pointed out.

Viktor Orbán explained: more emphasis was placed on practice, “it’s an old truth that practice makes perfect, if you come to the labor market with experience, you have a winning case”. They brought the university world and vocational education closer together, they linked the excellence of the departments with practical knowledge, the last year of vocational education can already be counted as a credit during university studies, so anyone who has a profession and wants to gain even more knowledge already has an advantage, and even those who performs the best, they are automatically accepted into higher education institutions.

According to the Prime Minister, the most modern equipment and tools were brought in so that they could acquire the most up-to-date knowledge possible. The results of this can be seen: in terms of population, Hungary is in 96th place in the world, in terms of the size of the economy, we are 49th, but despite this, Hungary is the 33rd most innovative country out of 200 countries in the world, and we are the fifth best in terms of high-tech manufacturing.

Hungarians generally want to work at the highest level, because work in Hungary is still truly a matter of honor. They taught me that if you are going to do something, do it world class, this is as true for me as it is for you, your teachers and masters. This work ethic must also be passed on to future professionals

– emphasized Viktor Orbán, who believes that “we are on the right track, vocational training is becoming more and more attractive”. It was decided that those who enter the vocational training should also receive financial support, regular scholarships, wages and start-of-life support are also available. Since 2020, teachers’ wages have been doubled, they want not only learning, but also vocational education to be attractive, and the best people to train young people.

Viktor Orbán guaranteed four things:

  • Everyone will have a profession, the gates of the technical school are open to everyone.
  • Anyone who has a profession will also have a job.
  • Those who work will have a fair salary.
  • Those who take up a family in addition to their profession will have a home and can count on family support from the government.

Finally, the Prime Minister emphasized that “Hungarian vocational training is at the forefront of Europe, you are talented young people, it is time to enter the World Championship.”

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