Hispanic-American Citizen Convicted of Triple Murder Desperate for Justice

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Pablo Ibar Devastated After Life Sentence Upheld

Pablo Ibar, a Hispanic-American citizen and son of a Cuban mother, expressed his devastation upon learning that his life sentence for a triple murder committed in 1994 was upheld in Florida. In a handwritten message sent to the Pablo Ibar-Fair Trial Association, Ibar stated, “I don’t know what else I can do to prove my innocence and have a fair trial.” This message was released on Twitter, coinciding with the 29th anniversary of the events that led to his imprisonment.

A “Death Sentence” for Ibar

Ibar described the recent decision of the Florida Court of Appeals as a “death sentence” and expressed feeling “destroyed.” He criticized the lack of justice in the court’s rejection of his lawyer’s arguments for the revocation of his life sentence and the request for a new trial with proper guarantees. Ibar believes that the court’s refusal, without providing any justification, implies a new death sentence for him. “I’m not on death row, but I still have a death sentence,” he wrote.

Florida Court of Appeals Upholds Life Sentence

Last April, the Florida Court of Appeals upheld Ibar’s life sentence and denied the request for a new trial. This decision was described by the spokesperson for the Pablo Ibar-Just Trial Association as a “devastating blow” and “a great blow to the family.” The hearing took place on February 28 at the Court of Appeals for the Fourth District of Florida.

Defense Attorney’s Arguments Ignored

Ibar’s defense attorney, Joe Nascimento, highlighted the errors that occurred during the 2019 trial, where Ibar was found guilty once again. Nascimento pointed out the “insufficient” DNA evidence found on a T-shirt, the lack of connection with the victims, and the inconsistency of a key witness’s statement. However, the court ignored these arguments and only mentioned one reason for its refusal, accusing Judge Dennis Bailey of partiality. One jury member later admitted to being pressured by colleagues to vote against Ibar’s favor.

Appeal Filed Against Judge Dennis Bailey’s Sentence

In May 2022, Nascimento reported at a press conference about an appeal filed against Judge Dennis Bailey’s sentence in the Court of Appeals for the Fourth District of Florida. The defense argues that Ibar’s previous trial in 2000 was flawed due to the inadequate performance of his public defender, who failed to request an expert facial recognition test. This test could have provided crucial evidence regarding a low-quality video that captured the murderer’s face. Additionally, the defense alleges that the police influenced a witness to falsely identify Ibar.

Background on Ibar’s Case

Pablo Ibar was initially sentenced to death in 2000 for the murders of Casimir Sucharsky, a nightclub owner, and models Sharon Anderson and Marie Rogers. However, in 2016, the Supreme Court of Florida annulled the sentence, citing weak evidence. A retrial took place in 2019, resulting in a life imprisonment sentence. One of the main arguments of the defense is the incompetence of Ibar’s public defender in the 2000 trial and the alleged police influence on a witness’s identification.

Means that Ibar will continue to serve his sentence for the triple murder he was convicted of in 1994. The court’s decision came despite the arguments made by Ibar’s lawyer and the lack of justification provided for the rejection. The decision has left Ibar devastated and feeling like he has not been given a fair trial. He expressed his frustration and disbelief in a handwritten message sent to the Pablo Ibar-Fair Trial Association, stating that he doesn’t know what else he can do to prove his innocence and have a fair trial. The timing of the message coincided with the 29th anniversary of the events that led to his imprisonment. Ibar sees the court’s decision as a “death sentence,” even though he is not on death row, and believes that justice has not been served.

What steps can Ibar take to prove his innocence and achieve a fair trial given the court’s recent decision to continue his sentence for a triple murder conviction from 1994?

Proving innocence and achieving a fair trial can be a challenging process, especially given the court’s recent decision to continue Ibar’s sentence. However, here are some steps Ibar can consider taking:

1. Appeal the Decision: Ibar can file an appeal to challenge the recent court decision. This involves presenting legal arguments and evidence to a higher court, showing that the decision was incorrect or unfair.

2. Gather New Evidence: Ibar should work with his defense team to investigate and collect new evidence that supports his innocence. This may include reexamining forensic evidence, locating new witnesses, or uncovering DNA evidence.

3. Hire Experienced Counsel: It is essential for Ibar to have competent and experienced legal representation. He should consider hiring a skilled defense attorney or legal team who can navigate the legal system, challenge the conviction, and present a strong case for his innocence.

4. Conduct a Retrial Request: Ibar’s lawyers can file a motion for a retrial based on the new evidence or any other legal grounds available. They will need to present a convincing argument outlining why a retrial is necessary for a fair and just outcome.

5. Seek Public Support and Media Attention: Gaining public support and media attention can help generate awareness and pressure for a fair trial. Ibar and his legal team should engage the public, share his story, and seek support from organizations dedicated to wrongful convictions.

6. Work with Advocacy Groups: Organizations like the Innocence Project specialize in assisting individuals who may have been wrongfully convicted. Ibar should reach out to such groups to seek their assistance in uncovering new evidence, raising awareness, and advocating for a fair trial.

7. Pursue Legal Remedies: Ibar’s legal team should explore all available legal remedies, including filing post-conviction motions, applying for habeas corpus, or seeking other methods to challenge the conviction based on legal errors or due process violations.

8. Push for Independent Investigation: If there are concerns about the original investigation or potential prosecutorial misconduct, Ibar’s team should push for an independent investigation into the case. This can help uncover any irregularities or violations that may support his innocence.

9. Raise Public Awareness: Ibar’s legal team can use social media, press conferences, or public events to raise awareness about his case and advocate for a fair trial. Public support and pressure can sometimes influence the judicial process.

10. Seek Intervention from Legal Institutions: Ibar’s legal team can approach legal organizations, human rights groups, or even international bodies specialized in reviewing wrongful convictions to seek their intervention and support.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and strategies may vary depending on the jurisdiction and details of Ibar’s case. It is crucial for Ibar and his legal team to consult with experts and follow the appropriate legal procedures to maximize his chances of proving his innocence and obtaining a fair trial.

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Martha June 26, 2023 - 11:15 pm

It’s disheartening to see a fellow Hispanic-American citizen involved in such a heinous crime. Justice must prevail for the victims and their families, ensuring that such acts are not tolerated within our community.

Frederick June 26, 2023 - 11:15 pm

This tragic case highlights the need for a fair and swift administration of justice to ensure closure for the victims’ families and restore faith in our legal system.


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