Hajj officers must wear uniforms and be ready for duty 24 hours

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Hajj officials are required to wear a uniform even when they are at the Grand Mosque in Mecca or the Nabawi Mosque in Medina and are ready to be on duty 24 hours. This confirmation was expressed by the Director of Hajj Development, Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah Organization (Ditjen PHU) of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Arsad Hidayat.

Arsad Hidayat emphasized that Hajj officers should wear uniforms when providing Technical Guidance (Bimtek) material to 890 Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizing Officers (PPIH), Wednesday (20/3/2024) at the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta. Arsad said that Hajj officers are the first people Indonesian Hajj pilgrims will look for when they encounter problems.

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The uniform will confirm the existence of the Hajj officers while carrying out their duties in the holy land. ”I will give you an example of commitment to wearing a uniform. “When you declare yourself as a Hajj officer, you have to wear a uniform,” stressed Arsad.

Arsad relates uniforms as the identity of Hajj officers which shows that they shape behavior and differentiate them from the congregation. “Hajj officers always wear uniforms. “The uniform is the identity of the Hajj officers,” he said.

He gave an example of a case when an Indonesian Hajj pilgrim got lost while performing Hajj. “Hajj officers’ uniforms will make it easier for pilgrims to ask for help, especially those who are lost,” he explained.


#Hajj #officers #wear #uniforms #ready #duty #hours
2024-03-21 04:30:17

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