Elin Suleymanov objected to the provocative article – 2024-03-01 10:03:22

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The letter addressed to the “Economist” magazine by Elin Suleymanov, the ambassador of Azerbaijan to Great Britain, has been published. The letter objected to Wendell Stevenson’s article published on January 1 in the online publication “1843” operating under the “Economist” magazine.

Publika.az reports that this was reported by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in the United Kingdom.

It was noted that the author correctly noted in his article that the Armenian separatists refused to accept the goods and aid sent by Azerbaijan, and to recognize the sovereignty of Azerbaijan. However, international law recognizes these territories as the land of Azerbaijan and requires compliance with this.

It was stated that despite the fact that the author himself admitted that hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis were forcibly displaced in the 1990s, the author should have clearly explained the illegal occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia. It was pointed out that Armenian separatism was a project established in the last years of the Soviet Union, and similar separatist regimes were repeated in other parts of Eurasia.

It was noted that despite the fact that he is well-informed about the results of ethnic separatism, who has written articles about the war in Ukraine, it is surprising that the author showed a different position on this issue regarding Azerbaijan.

At a time when Azerbaijan and Armenia have left the conflict behind and taken historic steps for lasting peace, it was emphasized that writing an article dedicated to the past conflict is regrettable and disruptive.

#Elin #Suleymanov #objected #provocative #article

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