Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, the new career launched by Unsta

by worldysnews
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2024-02-23 10:58:09

User experience, market research, digital marketing, social media, advertising campaigns, neuromarketing, customer management, E-business and E-commerce, Applied Artificial Intelligence, international trade; They are the axes of the brand new Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing that the Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA) launched this year. “These points have gained notoriety in the last six years, particularly during the pandemic, and allow us to understand the complexity of consumer behavior,” he said. Victor Martinezdean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration.

Multifaceted and continually evolving, this is how the school describes it. “It is an exorbitantly innovative, modern proposal, adapted to the requirements of the market. Within the work environment, companies are the ones that, in some way, determine what skills and knowledge they require, and the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing at our university is adapted to those requirements,” Martínez added. It also addresses a comprehensive approach that not only focuses on the development of technical knowledge, but also on the application of soft skills in students such as critical thinking, effective communication, teamwork and problem solving.

“The UNSTA Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing aims to train professionals with greater competitiveness in organizations; that they are able to apply marketing concepts and tools in business decision-making processes; with a high human, ethical and social sense, in addition to managerial, executive, professional and consulting skills and attitudes,” defined Mariana Muro, director of the degree. Marketing, in addition to promoting products or services, aims to deeply understand consumers, their needs, desires and purchasing behaviors. “This new career provides specialized knowledge in areas such as market research, data analysis, branding strategies, effective communication, social network management, among others,” explained the specialist in Marketing Innovation and Digital Business.

Graduates of this degree will be prepared to work as managers, directors or marketing advisors in organizations in various sectors. “Even those who want to start their own business will be able to develop and execute effective marketing strategies for their company: they will learn to identify market opportunities, segment audiences, create marketing plans and promote their business effectively,” he concluded.

For more information about UNSTA’s Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, you can visit the website, contact WhatsApp at 3816201120 or send an email to [email protected] .

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