Artillery fire melts the snow. The Russians are moving forward. Summary from Ukraine

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  • President Joe Biden’s advisers have said that unless Congress agrees to additional military aid to Ukraine in the coming days, Russia could win the war in a matter of weeks or, at best, months.
  • — There must be a compromise which will be very painful for both sides. And what are Ukrainians waiting for? That the Russians will leave Crimea, Donbass and Lugansk? This is unrealistic, said Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico
  • Russian troops have been gradually intensifying offensive operations in Ukraine for two weeks, taking advantage of the fact that the frozen terrain facilitates the movement of armored vehicles on the field, the British Ministry of Defense said on Sunday.
  • The Russians do not care about human losses and Vladimir Putin orders his soldiers to throw themselves into the hell of the war he has unleashed.
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There is no end to the war in sight

The fighting in Ukraine could last at least another two years, and in 2025 Kiev could attempt another counteroffensive, CNN reported, citing sources among representatives of Western intelligence and the military.

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Ukraine will spend 2024 strengthening its military base and rebuilding its forces, and Russia will likely apply the same strategy too – writes CNN quoting a representative of the American authorities.

There will be no major battlefield victories this year, CNN sources predict. “Both sides are too exhausted in terms of troops and equipment for major movements in 2024.” – they underline. A military source said that the Ukrainians consider 2025 as a better option to launch another offensive.

This is the situation in Ukraine according to data from the Institute for War Studies on the night of January 21-22.

Zelenskyj’s advisor: now is not the time for talks

This news seems to confirm the words of one of the most important Ukrainian politicians. — Ukraine can enter into negotiations with Russia only if the Russian Federation suffers a tactical defeat on the battlefield, voluntarily gives up nuclear weapons and processes aimed at changing the government in this country begin in Russia — Mykhailo Podolak, advisor to the President of Ukraine, said this on Saturday. Volodymyr Zelensky at the entrance to Avdiivka in December 2023.

— What can we talk to them about now? When have they not suffered significant, tactical defeats on the battlefield? That we are willing to give them time to prepare for the next phase of the war? – said Podolak quoted by the Ukraińska Pravda portal.

Soldiers and ammunition are missing

No wonder the Ukrainians are only thinking about a counteroffensive in 2025, because they currently face huge problems at the front.

— The shortage of ammunition has been enormous for months, Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko said in an interview with the website of the Bild newspaper. — Ammunition is the number one problem when talking to soldiers on the front lines, he emphasized.

Klitschko said he was “disappointed” by the Bundestag’s decision on Wednesday refused delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. – This is a “difficult time” for my country, which does not have enough soldiers at the front and ammunition, said Vitali Klitschko.

Terrible forecasts from the USA and the Islands

The morale of the Ukrainian soldiers is certainly not improved by the news coming from the USA. President Joe Biden’s advisers bluntly told members of Congress in a private meeting that if Congress does not authorize additional military aid to Ukraine in the coming days, Russia could win the war in a matter of weeks or, at best, months – NBC News reported Saturday.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told members of Congress that Ukraine will lack some air defense and artillery capabilities in the coming weeks.

Sullivan and Haines provided top congressional leaders with classified information about when Ukraine’s key military assets would be significantly depleted and a detailed assessment of current dynamics on the front, a source at the meeting told NBC.

Less optimistic news also comes from Great Britain. “Russian troops have been gradually intensifying offensive operations in Ukraine for two weeks, taking advantage of the fact that the frozen terrain facilitates the movement of armored vehicles in the field,” the British Ministry of Defense said on Sunday. The Russians do not care about human losses and Vladimir Putin orders his people to throw themselves into the hell of the war he has unleashed. According to the Ukrainian side, Putin’s army may have lost up to 350,000 people since the start of the invasion. soldiers (killed and wounded unable to fight).

“The Russians will not give up Crimea and Donbass”

The bad news for Ukraine is not just coming from the United States. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico admitted in a Saturday broadcast on Slovak Public Radio that Ukraine is not a fully sovereign country. — Since at least 2014, since the Maidan, it has been under the total influence and control of the United States, he said.

Jacek Turczyk / PAP Barricades on the Niepodległości Maidan in Kiev in 2014.

The politician also said that there is no military solution to the conflict in Ukraine and suggested that Ukraine will have to give up part of its territory. — There must be a compromise which will be very painful for both sides. And what are they waiting for? That the Russians will leave Crimea, Donbass and Luhansk? It’s unreal, he said.

Corruption devours Ukrainian resources. And moral

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has revealed another practice of misappropriation of budget funds intended for defense procurement for the Armed Forces of Ukraine; A colonel was arrested red-handed for accepting a bribe, the SBU reported on its website.

As a result of operational activities in Kiev, the SBU arrested the head of one of the departments of the Armed Forces Support Command and his accomplice, the head of a company supplying defense products. The detained colonel commissioned the deliveries to a Lviv businessman in exchange for financial benefits.

During searches of the two men’s places of work and residence in Kiev and Lviv, the SBU confiscated computers, mobile phones, portable drives, documents and draft accounting records with evidence of planned crimes, as well as almost 10 million hryvnia (approximately USD). 265,000) in cash, the origin of which is being ascertained.

Ukrainians attack with drones

A fire broke out at an oil depot in the town of Klintsy, western Russia’s Bryansk Oblast, after an explosive device fell from a Ukrainian drone shot down by the Russian army, the region’s governor, Aleksandr Bogomaz, said. Bryansk Oblast borders Ukraine.

A fire broke out in the terminal of Russia’s largest liquefied gas producer, Nowatek, located on the Baltic Sea – Alexander Drozdenko, governor of the Leningrad region, announced this on Sunday on Telegram.

According to the Russian Shot channel on Telegram, residents heard the sound of a drone followed by several explosions. The St. Petersburg portal Fontanka wrote that at least two drones were spotted flying towards St. Petersburg. The terminal’s activity was suspended after the fire broke out.

In Tula, about 180 km south of Moscow, the Szczegłowski Wał factory was attacked., which produces self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery and Pantsir-S and Pantsir-S1 missile systems. These are some of the most important factories in the Russian armaments industry, we read on the RBK-Ukraine website.

Sunday’s massacre of civilians in Donetsk

At least 28 people were killed and 20 wounded on Sunday in the bombing of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine occupied by Russian forces, the AFP news agency reported, citing the city’s mayor, appointed by the occupation authorities, Oleksiy Kulemzin. 18 deaths had previously been reported.

According to the head of the local occupation administration, Ukrainian forces shelled a busy area of ​​Donetsk, where shops and a market are located. Ukrainian agency RBK-Ukraina reported that Russian forces were shelling the city.

The partisans attacked the Russian soldiers

The Russian Volunteer Corps, a partisan formation that fights alongside Ukraine, announced on Friday that it had ambushed soldiers of the Russian regular army in the Bryansk region. Media loyal to the Kremlin reported reports of military deaths.

The clash occurred in the Suzem region, near the Russian-Ukrainian border, the Corps announced in a message on Telegram. Ukrainian television Channel 24, citing its own sources from the Ukrainian special services, announced that, following the successful operation, the Corps fighters took control of a military truck from the Urals.

2024-01-21 23:43:03
#Artillery #fire #melts #snow #Russians #moving #Summary #Ukraine

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