All the best of Dodger on DOFUS Touch – Gamosaurus

by worldysnews
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Thanks to his bombs, the thief is able to inflict very high damage, but he requires good preparation and good equipment on DOFUS Touch.

The best DOFUS Touch courses

Quickly find out where the Zobal is compared to the other DOFUS classes, the ranking works like this: S represents the most powerful ranking then the others are in descending alphabetical order from S to C.

Which element to choose for the Dodger on DOFUS Touch?

Each class in DOFUS Touch has unique abilities depending on the element you choose, here are all the different benefits of each element.

  • Agility: Air mode applies MP removal with its bombs and deals damage at long range. It’s a solid Dodger mode, more PvP oriented where it makes as much use of its mechanics as possible.
  • Opportunity : Just like the air mode, the water version applies AP removal which is overbearing in PvP, but loses interest in PvM.
  • Intelligence: The rogue’s fire mode deals additional damage with his bombs. It is logically best suited to PvM thanks to its unrivaled damage.

The best PvM material for the Rogue on DOFUS Touch

Here are all the most powerful equipment in all elements for your Zobal.

If you want to discover lower level gear, you can find numerous guides to things sorted by level brackets.

Guide to Things Lowcost PvM

If the more streamlined stuff isn’t within your reach yet, check out our guide to the low-cost stuff.

Each resource is taken into account to ensure it does not exceed your budget.

The best 1v1 and 3v3 PvP material for the Dodger

Dodger in PvP is a risk to take that depends mainly on the mastery of the Dodger and his allies. More specifically, you need to be able to protect bombs by placing them close enough to opponents to make them useful.

This balance is logically complex to maintain during combat, however it allows the Dodger to win the game on his own if he plays well.

Here are all the most classic things for your Zobal in 1v1 or 3v3 PvP:

Guide to Lowcost PvP Stuff

Just like the PvM versions, low budget PvP stuff exists.

They allow you to get started quickly in the kolizeum and be able to generate numerous kamas via kolizeton, but also to complete the many daily objectives related to PvP.

Check out our articles on other DOFUS Touch courses

Our complete Dodger guide to DOFUS Touch is now complete!

Check out our other guides, such as our tips for winning as many kamas as possible.

2024-01-15 01:06:04
#Dodger #DOFUS #Touch #Gamosaurus

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