What the minister told about some precautions and treatment of heatstroke in summer – 2024-04-21 09:49:49

by worldysnews
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Heatwave is going on across the country. The temperature has crossed 40 degree Celsius in various places including Dhaka. Health and Family Welfare Minister said about the health protection of children and the elderly in extreme heat, some precautions to avoid heat, symptoms of heatstroke and first aid. Samant Lal Sen.

On Sunday (April 21), the minister gave this information to reporters at the secretariat.

What to do to protect the health of children and the elderly in summer

The minister said that the entire country is suffering from severe heat. Children and the elderly are at the highest risk of health in this summer. In this case, some precautions and health complications can be prevented.

1. Children and the elderly should be kept in a cool place at home as much as possible. Avoid going out in the hot sun unless necessary.

2. If you have to go outside, you should wear umbrella, water bottle, soft cotton cloth, glasses, mask. Drink water and other liquids after a while. If there is a lot of sweating, you should drink canned water, enough saline, and eat lemon juice with a little salt frequently.

3. School-going children, including toddlers, sweat profusely. This causes their bodies to lose salt along with water. In this case, the sweat should be wiped repeatedly with a handkerchief or soft cotton cloth.

4. Very young babies should be fed breast milk frequently. Bath should be taken once or twice daily in normal water.

5. After coming from outside, do not drink water from the refrigerator and take a rest for a while, if the body temperature is normal, then drink normal water.

6. Seasonal fruits should be included in the daily diet. Fruit juice is also beneficial for young children.

7. There should be adequate air and cool place during sleep.

8. Street children and village children should also drink plenty of water, cans, fruit juices. Move to shade or cool place as soon as possible. Repeated bathing can be done in tubewell or pond if necessary.

9. Any physical problems such as nausea, dizziness, decreased urination, severe pain in muscles, body temperature over 104 degrees and even unconsciousness should be taken to an obstetrician or the nearest hospital.

Some precautions to avoid extreme heat

1. Wear thin and light colored clothes.

2. Try to avoid direct sunlight when outdoors.

What the minister told about some precautions and treatment of heatstroke in summer

3. Drink plenty of water and juices to avoid dehydration.

4. The sodium, potassium and sugar in saline water are particularly effective in keeping the body alive. Drink saline if you are in heat for a long time.

5. Drink fresh juices made from summer fruits.

6. Avoid meat and eat more fruits and vegetables.

7. Note the color of the urine. Dark colored urine is a sign of dehydration.

8. Always carry umbrella or hat. Use sunscreen to protect from harmful rays.

9. Use sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

10. Try to go out less during the day.

Symptoms of heatstroke

1. Rapid rise in body temperature

2. Fainting in the heat

3. dizziness

4. Severe headache

5. Decreased sweating

What the minister told about some precautions and treatment of heatstroke in summer

6. Skin becomes hot and dry

7. Feeling of physical weakness and muscle tension

8. vomiting

9. Increased heart rate

10. shortness of breath

11. mental illusions

12. convulsions

First aid for heatstroke

If someone has heatstroke or becomes unconscious, medical treatment should be provided as soon as possible. The tasks to be done during this period are-

1. A person suffering from heatstroke should be moved to a relatively cool or air-conditioned room. Unnecessary clothes should be removed from the patient’s body.

2. The patient’s body should be ventilated. Wet the cloth in cold water and wipe it off.

3. Ice packs should be used on armpits, neck, back and groin to reduce body temperature.


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