Vsetín: Bára is expecting her third baby, her beloved Lukáš (†32) died suddenly

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It has not even been two months since Lukáš and Bára decided to share with their friends the wonderful news that a fifth member will be added to their family of four. “Last Christmas was one of the happiest in their lives so far. Who would have thought then that their shared happiness could end so soon. But it happened. In one day, Bára lost her soul mate, her beloved husband and best partner, as well as the father of her children.” describes family friend Ondřej Pisklák.

Stroke attack

At the beginning of February, Lukáš got so sick that an ambulance was called for him. He was stabilized and hospitalized in a hospital in Zlín. During the day he was transferred to the hospital in Ostrava, the doctors saw in this transport the hope of providing the best possible care. Everything seemed so promising! In the early evening, however, his closest relatives received cruel and unexpected news.

“Lukáš suffered a stroke with fatal brain damage. His heart was still beating and he did not want to give up the fatal fight, unfortunately his brain suffered damage incompatible with life. Lukáš’s heart stopped on Saturday, February 3, so that on the same day it could beat again in someone else’s body.” Mr. Ondřej describes the fateful moments.

After Lukáš’s departure, his wife Bára was left alone. Alone with her children Nikolka and Tomášek. Moreover, in anticipation of another child, who will come into the world at a time when the family is facing the greatest pain. The desired baby will be born in two months.

Mr. Lásk's dream came true: He met President Pavlo.

Organs save another life

Lukáš’s death left Bára with the task of balancing grief and caring for three small lives. In this unimaginable situation, she still tries to create a safe and loving environment for her children, even though she carries the pain of losing her loved one in her heart. The loss is all the more painful because she and Lukáš made such a great couple. They shared a love of hockey, good food, and went on trips together. Lukáš was famous for his sense of humor, friendly and easy-going nature, and above all, he was a wonderful dad who was adored by the children. He was so looking forward to his next offspring.

“Bára is now seeking solace in the knowledge that Lukáš’s organs were donated for transplantation and can bring hope and new life to other people. She is going through this painful period with the belief that there can be something positive in Lukáš’s departure, that this decision can bring change and hope to the lives of others.” Mr. Ondřej describes a noble act.

The triplets are already 22 years old, but they need the same care as the youngest children.

Belonging thanks to the collection on Donio

Aware of the difficult financial situation that arose with the unexpected death of her husband, Báře’s friends and relatives want to help. “Therefore, we have set up a charity fundraiser to provide financial assistance in these difficult times. The money that can be collected will be used for the normal operation of the household (fees, food, hygiene, unexpected expenses), clubs and children’s hobbies. Above all, they will allow Bára to focus on taking care of the children and will hopefully provide a springboard to gradually cope with the new reality without Lukáš.” concludes Mr. Ondřej.

Artur had a serious flare-up in November, when his own immune system attacked his body.  The family is now looking for a bone marrow donor.

How can you quickly and easily recognize the symptoms of a stroke? Videohub

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