They will hold a conversation about ‘El vallenato and Samuelito Martínez’

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For Saturday, July 8, starting at 6:30 in the afternoon in the main Rodrigo Gutiérrez square, Pedro Nolasco Martínez stage, in the district of La Loma, municipality of El Paso, Cesar, as an appetizer for the 31st Samuel Song Festival Martínez, in tribute to the accordion player José López and recognition of Los Nuestros, children of that land, the discussion ‘El vallenato and Samuelito Martínez: Stories, experiences, customs and traditions’ will be held.

In this event full of knowledge and vallenato music, the speakers will be vast experts on the life and work of the unforgettable minstrel, such as Samuel and Fabio Martínez Castro, Tomás Darío Gutiérrez Hinojosa, Fernando Bordeth Chiquillo, Álvaro Baute Sierra, Herminda Ospino Molina, Andrés Mier Cadena and Alejandro Alfonso Beleño Ochoa.

Eliana de la Ossa Bravo, president of the Samuel Martínez Muñoz Foundation, said. “The musical feat of the minstrel Samuelito Martínez is the basis of everything and will be the occasion to make it known, especially to the new generation. In addition, great recognition will be made to a group of outstanding people who have worked hard to keep the flame of Vallenato folklore alive in La Loma.”

The conversation will have several facets where everything that revolved around the minstrel that he knew from La Loma will be revealed in detail, giving the greatest dimension to his songs that were brought to sound recording by prominent performers such as Alfredo Gutiérrez, Jorge Oñate, Nicolás ‘Colacho’ Mendoza, Pedro García, Noel Petro, Jairo Serrano, Javier Vega and Silvestre Dangond, among others.


In that same act, the greatest recognition will be given to sons and daughters born in La Loma, who have dedicated their entire lives to exalting folklore and culture. It will be a transcendental moment where accordion players, cashiers, guacharaqueros, singers, choristers, composers, poets, writers, announcers, journalists and cultural managers will be exalted.

It should be noted that that day, July 8, at 8:00 in the morning, the children’s painting contest will be held for La Loma students, aged between eight and 13 years old. This event that seeks to encourage art, talent and creativity will be at the Benito Ramos Trespalacios educational institution.

Finally, it is indicated that until Wednesday, July 5, registration will be open for the different contests of the 31st Samuel Martínez Song Festival, which will be in honor of the accordion player José López, whose prize will exceed 84 million pesos, and will be received through email:

The contests are: professional accordion, amateur accordion, youth accordion, children’s accordion, unpublished vallenata song, traditional vallenata song, major piqueria, best children’s voice, children’s painting and folkloric-cultural samples.

2024-05-01 10:18:22
#hold #conversation #vallenato #Samuelito #Martínez

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