They demand political parties not to use search groups in electoral campaigns

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The Movement for Our Disappeared in Mexico (MDNM), made up of more than 90 groups from Mexico and Central America, addressed an open letter to the political parties of this country, demanding that the cause of the search for missing persons not be used in the context of communication strategies of denigration and attacks during their electoral campaigns.

They pointed out that His responsibility in public office transcends his political affinity Therefore, it must prioritize the well-being of the population beyond electoral situations. “Our pain is not a spectacle, it is the engine that allows us to continue our fight for truth and justice and the return of those we love,” they expressed in a statement.

They recalled that currently, the parties head various powers, both at the federal level and in the federative entities, and make up the executive powers and local congresses, as well as being part of the Congress of the Union.

To date, according to the National Registry of Missing and Unlocated Persons (RNPDNO), this country has more than 116 thousand reports of missing people. Until 2020, according to figures provided by the State, more than 52 thousand unidentified deaths had accumulated; Since then, they assure that no new data has been published.

They mentioned that in the process of searching for their loved ones, which for some families takes decades and decades, the health of the families has been diminished. Besides that The context of violence in Mexico has left more than a dozen fellow searchers murdered for their work.adding pain to the lives of families.

“In January of this year we saw with concern that a searcher in Guanajuato was kidnapped from her home by armed men, her family was murdered and, to date, her whereabouts are unknown. The context in which we live and search is adverse and dangerous, it is far from being a moment in the country in which we are building progress and finding solace, truth and justice,” they noted.

They mentioned that for several years, they have made public the positions of the MNDM on various priority issues for families, which it is essential to address. From the debts of implementation of the General Law on the matter, the extraordinary attention to the human identification crisis, the expectations regarding key institutions – such as the National Search Commission (CNB) or the National Center for Human Identification (CNIH) , passing through the issue of safety and protection of people and search groups, attention to the psychosocial impacts of the thousands of people searching for their loved ones.

They added that since the constitution of the MNDM, in 2015, they have interacted with all political parties to advance the creation of different public policies that advance the human rights agenda. As relatives of missing persons, they have retained the same position regardless of which party heads the federal government, or local governments. They recognized that, at times, they have made progress in the joint construction of laws and public policies, such as those cited above.

“However, today we urge you all to recognize that this fight is long-term and that it requires concerted political will from all political actors, as well as material resources for its successful and full implementation, beyond a period of specific government or party. In disappearances, your commitment must be clear and absolute to always move forward hand in hand with the families., recognizing our pain and our rights ahead, not only during electoral situations, but above all when they occupy the various positions for which they are elected as public officials. We families will always be watching to make sure this is the case.

You all govern states that face moments of stark violence where constant disappearances are just one more symptom. Families do not want to continue living like this. A dignified family life should not be a privilege, but a right. Today the State and its parties continue to owe a debt not only to the mothers and fathers of the entire country, but to the citizens who are made up of families: daughters and sons, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands, grandmothers and grandfathers, cousins cousins, aunts, uncles, friends and friends.

We are not asking for a favor: fulfill your responsibility and care for the victims with respect and closeness.”

Within the framework of the commemoration of Mother’s Day, they asked that political parties make a commitment and honor it tomorrow, especially after June 2, wherever they are: “so that a mother never again “Mexican woman should go out and search.”

It is worth mentioning that families from the state of Coahuila participate in the MDNM, through groups such as Fuerzas Unidas por Nuestros Desaparecidos Laguna Region; United Forces for Our Disappeared in Coahuila (FUUNDEC-FUNDEM) and the Group Victims for their Rights in Action (VIDA).

#demand #political #parties #search #groups #electoral #campaigns
2024-05-13 12:20:06

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