They close the day with a field search

by worldysnews
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On the second and last day of the National Search Day in which more than 250 groups in the country participate, yesterday in La Laguna they went out into the countryside in search of their missing loved ones in those sites considered extermination sites.

In the case of La Laguna de Durango, men and women searchers went out to the town of Horizonte, municipality of Tlahualilo, recently visited in the company of the authorities, although this time it was at an unvisited point within the same town, where they were located. various signs such as shell casings of various calibers. On this occasion, only his shovel, pickaxe, and the photographs of his children hanging on his chest were his company during the two and a half hours in which they toured the property.

“That is the intention, as part of the unification of families in the first National Search Day,” said Guadalupe Delgado, coordinator of the group Vida en La Laguna de Durango.

In the case of Torreón, a field search was also carried out, however, the point that was visited was not made known; It was said that it was a warehouse, which was reported thanks to an anonymous complaint.

At the same time, in Alameda Zaragoza, they continued with the search for their missing persons to make the problem visible.

According to Guadalupe Delgado, groups from other entities had proposed April 19 to hold this National Day.


As reported, for almost three months, families searching for their missing loved ones held an ongoing dialogue in which they made the decision to walk together. On March 21, more than 50 groups made it known.

The intention was to announce their demands to the Mexican State and call on society to join their fight.

“We have been suffering for years; the institutions have managed the pain of families and none of the three different governments we have lived through have been able to answer the question: where are our relatives? We feel the abandonment of the State to respond to this situation, which is a true national emergency.”

That is why they decided to put aside their differences and particular identities to return to the origin of their struggle which is, with or without the State, to look for their daughters, sons, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers.

“So far we have organized 250 groups and we continue to call on those who have not joined to join. Together we have more opportunity to build the peace with justice that we so long for.”

#close #day #field #search
2024-04-22 05:46:21

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