The shocking accusation of sexual abuse made live on TV by an Argentine journalist

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This Thursday, journalist Juan Pedro Aleart began the evening edition of the news program on channel 3 in Rosario, Argentina, with a shocking and unusual story.

It was not with political news, nor about the economy of his country. Nor was it a case of the drug trafficking that ravages his city, nor an extraordinary goal by Lionel Messi, also from Rosario.

It was, this time, a shocking personal story.

His case immediately resonated throughout the country to the point that both national radio and television channels sought him out to interview him.

And Aleart, presenter of the news program “De 12 a 14” and one of the main figures of the channel also known as eltresTV, dedicated almost 27 minutes to recounting the ordeal he had to live through since childhood due to having an abusive father.

«You know me, I have been working in the media for 18 years. “I have told many stories and this is the first time that I am going to tell mine, my own story, my own life story,” said the journalist.

“I have a deep desire to, through what has happened to me, help many people who are having a hard time and who are going through or have gone through a situation similar to mine.”

«I tell you that many years ago, approximately a decade, I made the decision to distance myself from my father, and gradually from the rest of my paternal family. There were things that I didn’t like, that made me feel bad, that hurt me.

«Since then, I never gave up the search for the truth. The truth of what was really happening in my house, in my family and inside me. I tried to put light in the darkness, illuminate the dark and make the truth come out. And that’s what happened. The truth was illuminated and the truth always wins.

«Last year I reported my father for domestic violence. My father has been violent in all its forms: physically, psychologically and emotionally. “He has terrorized all the members of my family, including me.”

“I filed the complaint with my younger sister – I am the oldest of three.”

«What we were looking for was for my sister to be a little calmer, because every time she crossed my father in any circumstance she trembled with fear. I am a witness to that. Pale. Terror. “Panic attacks,” she recalled.

«My father, in addition to being violent, sexually abused my sister from the age of 3 onwards, being HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) positive. “My father abused his daughter, his own daughter.”

«This caused my sister serious, very serious health problems of all kinds. Fortunately, she did not infect her, but I am a witness to her panic attacks, deep anxiety attacks, insomnia, her hair loss – her hair fell out – hers, her body weight loss.

“And I know from her that on several occasions she thought about taking her own life, as a result of everything my father did to her,” she continued.

«I insisted to him to the point of exhaustion. “I have argued, in fact, for him to file a criminal complaint and I took care of his lawyers’ fees so that he could finally file the complaint.”

«He made the complaint, presented a psychological report, and I was a witness. Because my father sexually abused my sister in front of me when I was a child. He sexually abused my sister and made everything seem like a game.

“They made me and my brother believe that my sister was exaggerated, that she was crazy.”

“My mother has been both a victim of all this and an accomplice, you can imagine.”

“My father was notified of this criminal complaint three weeks ago.”

«Not wanting to face everything he had done, the atrocity, the barbarity he had committed, he decided to take his own life. He decided to commit suicide.

«Finding out about this was very shocking news, deeply sad. But my father had made that decision from the moment he decided to abuse his own daughter from the age of 3, with HIV.

“In his last messages on social networks, on Facebook, on Twitter, he did what he always did: he treated my sister as crazy.”

«And it is my sister who I want to talk to now. I want to tell you, Sofi, that the horror movie is over. “That the monster decided to leave forever and never again to hurt you, to harm you.”

«What remains now is for you to build your life. The life that you fought so hard for and that you deserve so much, with freedom. You are free. “Let’s fly, Sofi, let’s fly.”

After publicly telling about the abuse towards her sister, Aleart continued with more revelations.

«While all this was happening in my house, a house with a violent, abusive father, a mother who was a victim and accomplice at the same time, a house in which abuse and violence were naturalized, an uncle in whom I trusted, who complied with In many situations, the role of father with me, that uncle took advantage of the context of extreme vulnerability in which I was and sexually abused me and my brother from the age of 6 onwards.

«When I was 12, 13 years old, with the few tools I had, I noticed at home that this was happening. I warned and, you can imagine, in a house like this my parents did nothing.

«I continued to be abused over and over again. Andmy brother too”.

«I reported it at the end of 2022. For me, making the report was very difficult. I was encouraged to do it, being a public figure, but I did it.

«I have been, consciously, in a deep stage of depression, for many months. Coming here has been very difficult, doing the news with all this inside me.

“That’s why I wanted to start the program by telling them, because I couldn’t take it anymore.”

«I came here to work on the car crying. She did ‘From 12 to 14’ for months with a lump in her throat. “She would lock me in the locker room to cry and I would return home without wanting to see anyone or talk to anyone.”

«I was in a deep crisis of anguish. I lost the meaning of life. “I didn’t feel like laughing.”

«In these conditions I could have lost everything: my job – what I like so much -, (or) the love of my life. This seriously affected my intimate life, too. But today I am much stronger than ever.”

«I did a lot of therapy and I do a lot of therapy. I go Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, two hours at a time, more weekends when necessary.

“This and the love and friendship of a small group of people was what kept me going.”

Finally, Aleart addressed the male victims of sexual abuse who could listen to him.

«I know what it feels like: it’s degrading, it’s embarrassing. “I know that many have not told their wives, their children, their friends, their psychologists.”

“I want to tell you that the only way to heal is to put words to it, to talk about it, to denounce it.”

«Silence is the best friend of abusers. Let’s learn from women who are brave and who report.

«Talk, seek help, encourage each other. “It is the only way.”

«I did not choose to be abused, I did not choose to have a violent and abusive father. I didn’t choose to have an abusive uncle, I didn’t choose to have a heartless family. But at a certain point, life gives you the opportunity to face all that. “This is the way I decided to deal with it.”

#shocking #accusation #sexual #abuse #live #Argentine #journalist
2024-04-22 21:09:57

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