The moving letter that Araceli González published for the death of her father

by worldysnews
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2024-02-18 18:24:21

“He’s my dad! “He passed away exactly 7 days ago,” begins the publication that Araceli Gonzalez He did on his Instagram account, in which he talked about the hard time he is going through with his family.

The actress had not previously made public about the health problems that her father was going through, Ernesto Gonzalez. “January was a voracious month. Everything was very fast and painful. Many times it is difficult for us to accept and we cannot express,” she said in the same post.

Araceli González, as a child, in her father’s arms Instagram

Even Araceli described that “it was the first time I felt mute and numb. I was always about activating and releasing. But at times in my life the pain that goes through without a net, overwhelms me.”

In the publication, which includes two other images of his father, he thanked his brother: “we were able to meet to address him until the last day. He fought with that disease that if the cure is available, release it because it destroys and binds us.”

“I just want to say that it doesn’t matter how one gives oneself in life, the most important thing is how one receives and can transform the little things into big things, the few and small memories into masterpieces,” Araceli continued in the post dedicated to his father.

Araceli González confirmed the death of her father with a heartbreaking post on Instagram

Among his heartfelt words he expressed: “I missed you all my life! I looked for you as much as I could! Even when she was older, the girl wanted you! Dad, I’ll take the best! With your silences, your wet eyes, your expressions that hinted that you wanted to say something. “Not all of us can express every feeling, but I felt like doing it!”

Araceli González with her father and brother

Araceli González with her father and brother For You

Araceli remembered her father as “the joke teller, the family sweetheart, the radio announcer, the tango lover.” He also highlighted: “You wanted to recover the train in Patricio, where you were born. Defender of his people! Free Soul! “You were going in search of your own dreams.”

At the end, he expressed to his father: “Fly high! There is nothing left pending, I always loved being up there, holding your hand or just looking at you. I keep the best of you! I am left with the memories, the smell of gasoline, the irons, the races, the road course, the sound of the radio and those eyes that could not be more beautiful. Light blue sky! I always wanted to have them!

Finally, Araceli remembered what was left pending with her father: “That you taught me to dance the tango. Next time we’ll do it! We stay like this? I love you dad!”.

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