The most important vitamins for women’s health – 2024-04-06 06:31:51

by worldysnews
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It is important to maintain health at any age, and vitamins are faithful assistants in this matter. But what vitamins should be chosen to protect the body and slow down the aging process? reports that obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound doctor Idiliya Orfanova answered this question.

Among the essential vitamins for women’s health is retinol (vitamin A), which is also an antioxidant. According to the doctor, it provides regeneration processes, prevents premature aging, plays an important role in vision, and also improves the condition of the skin and hair. Speaking to “RIA Novosti”, the doctor also talked about the benefits of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

“It protects the body from colds, helps protect the immune system and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases. Vitamin C is especially needed in the 2nd phase of the cycle and during menstruation. Vitamin C is not synthesized in our body. To maintain the quality level of this vitamin or fill the deficiency, the ration should be balanced and your diet should include more you should add lots of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables.

Calciferol (vitamin D) both strengthens immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects the skin from premature aging and oncological processes, reduces the risk of developing intestinal cancer, and is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis. It is also useful during pregnancy: vitamin D contributes to its protection, as well as to the growth and development of the fetus.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) also plays an important role in a woman’s reproductive system, because it is necessary for egg maturation and participates in the process of ovulation,” the doctor explained.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is especially important for women during pregnancy. One of the most serious defects of the fetus is related to its deficiency. Therefore, to prevent the development of a defect in the central nervous system in the fetus, you should take this vitamin three months before planning pregnancy and up to 12 weeks.

“B vitamins actively promote the processes of energy production, metabolism, protection of immunity and strengthening of the nervous system, while omega-3 improves the beauty of the skin, digestion and ensures the work of the reproductive system,” the gynecologist concluded.

Aytan Maftun

#important #vitamins #womens #health

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