The Doomsday Clock: Why the world is 90 seconds away from nuclear disaster – BBC News Thailand

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The Doomsday Clock remains at 90 seconds before midnight. This was the time when a nuclear disaster occurred in the human world.

Scientist Group Organization, Atomic Scientists Newsletter Explain the reasons why you keep the clock hands in the same place. Which is still considered the closest point to the “end of the world” when this clock begins counting down. whether it is a new wave of competition over nuclear weapons war in Ukraine and the climate change crisis, etc.

Every year, a group of scientists from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists sets a clock to symbolically predict that The world is approaching midnight How much is the end of the world worth?

Since 2007 a group of scientists has been evaluating the impact of new risks of anthropogenic origin. Including artificial intelligence, global warming and major threats. like a nuclear war in the process of determining the countdown time of even the doomsday clock

The announcement of the 2024 Doomsday Clock countdown was made on January 23 by the Organization of Atomic Scientists newsletter. Pointing out that an important factor to consider comes from the fact that China, Russia and the United States are spending money “Expanding or upgrading the nuclear arsenal,” which increases “the danger of nuclear war. from errors or incorrect calculations.

The war in Ukraine continues to create “Nuclear tensions are at their highest levels ever”.

Added to this is the fact that the international community is failing to sufficiently resolve the climate change crisis. and other risks related to the misuse of biotechnology and artificial intelligence, or AI.


Doomsday Clock in the Past They are determined based on major concerns arising from various world situations.

The “Doomsday Clock” is not a real time clock. Rather, it is a symbolic tool invented in 1947 by Robert Oppenheimer. and other US scientists who invented the atomic bomb

The clock is also used as an indicator to indicate each year how close the catastrophe risk is to the global situation. The closer the clock hand points to midnight, the closer it is to midnight. The more the world is at high risk of disaster.

They saw the effects of the disaster on Hiroshima and Nagasaki two years before the end of World War II. They therefore want to warn the public about this. as well as pressuring world leaders to pledge never to use nuclear weapons again.

Since the Doomsday Clock was created, the hands of the clock have moved 25 times, for example in 1947 they went from 7 minutes to midnight and in 1991 after the end of the Cold War. The clock returns to 17 minutes to midnight.

Rachel Bronson, president of the newsletter of the Organization of Atomic Scientists told the BBC “All the leading countries Including the UK Money is being invested in the development of a nuclear arsenal. As if nuclear weapons were something that could be used for a long time. This is a very dangerous time… And world leaders continue to act irresponsibly.”

Pavel Podvik, Russian nuclear weapons expert A man who has been involved in measuring the doomsday clock for several years said he was shocked when Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened the use of nuclear weapons. After invading Ukraine

The Russian leader’s announcement shocked the world. But it seemed he had timed it well.

“This is the purpose of having nuclear weapons. So that we have more freedom of action,” Podvik said. “The Russian president is convinced that Issuing such a statement will help discourage Western interference in the situation in Ukraine. This is a fair assessment. But this is a deterrent.”

Despite decades of nuclear arms control agreements, the world still possesses 13,000 nuclear warheads, of which 90% belong to Russia and America, while six other self-proclaimed nuclear powers include: the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan and Korea North. it is also information to believe Israel also has nuclear weapons. but never confirmed

The key is modern nuclear weapons. More powerful than the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. in Japan several times

2024-01-25 00:40:52
#Doomsday #Clock #world #seconds #nuclear #disaster #BBC #News #Thailand

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