The 160 candidates for PARLACEN deputies seeking 20 seats in the March 3 elections

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We recently had the opportunity to talk with Silvia Tobar, candidate for mayor for the department of La Libertad under the banner of Democratic Change (CD).

It is worth mentioning that Tobar currently works at the Las Flores School Center in the Agua Escondida Canton, San Juan Monkey; place in which he has persevered for more than 10 years. In addition, he has practiced his profession thanks to Glasswing El Salvador, who offers at said institution, reinforcement workshops such as vocational and academic, as well as workshops that help students learn and practice values ​​for life.

Regarding politics, he told us that his main motivation was the call from the President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, where he urged all honest and good-hearted people to join his effort to move the country forward. Adding to the above, He stated that in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was in charge of coordinating and delivering the PES package (President Nayib Bukele’s Health Emergency Program) in said municipality, as well as participating in the municipal census for the delivery of Agricultural packages and thereby motivate small farmers to reactivate agriculture in the municipality after the pandemic.

“I want to mention that thanks to my charisma and desire to always serve others, I have been a participant in other humanitarian projects promoted by the Central Government, those programs that have been a vehicle that have allowed me to know first-hand the needs of all cantons and hamlets of the municipality of San Juan Opico, thanks to them I have had first-hand contacts with community leaders and adescos, as well as interaction with the inhabitants, who have always approached me to express their needs, needs that, to the extent possible They have tried to find a solution, without being part of a political position or managing public funds,” he highlighted.

“And so, with that path taken and seeing the shortcomings and needs of the population of the municipality that I have entered politics, with the firm conviction that together with the team that had been formed we could move this municipality forward after decades of setbacks and little or no attention to the real needs of its inhabitants (Streets, Public Lighting, Drinking Water, Education, and Sports among others), together with the entire team I decided to support the candidacy of Mr. Roberto Alas, current mayor of the municipality, achieving with This will take him to the municipal chair during the period 2021-2024,” added Tobar, however he noted that: “Given the lack of transparency in the management of municipal funds, the lack of works, the little empathy for the most needy population, and the little or no willingness to listen to their bases, in mid-2022 I decided to withdraw my support and separate myself from the current municipal administration; since, I considered that these are not the ethical and moral principles and values ​​under which support for the current administration was agreed.”

In this context, she assured that after having had several offers from other political parties to run as mayor in the 2024-2027 municipal elections, she decided to accept the proposal of the CD party since it gives her the freedom to choose the work team with which which could participate in the municipal elections of the aforementioned period, this is how at the beginning of November 2023 it officially presents its candidacy and its Municipal Council before the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) to be an active participant in the elections that will be held. this March 3 of the current year, in the elections for mayors and deputies to the Central American Parliament.

“Let’s give ourselves the opportunity to move El Salvador forward,” said Silvia Tobar.

#candidates #PARLACEN #deputies #seeking #seats #March #elections
2024-02-28 19:26:41

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