Skip the winter blues | The morning

by worldysnews
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Do you suffer from melancholy or lack of energy? You are not alone. The third Monday in January is known as the most depressing day of the year. A dose of humor and colorful stimuli are the remedy for Blue Monday.

Editorial January 13, 2024, 9:00 am


Practicing Downward Facing Dog with a stuffed puppy on the mat – there’s no more fun workout than that. After the success of Puppyo Brussels, you can now also go to Antwerp for a yoga session with your four-legged mini friends, who will also be helped in their socialization. All dogs come from recognized Belgian purebred breeders and receive a warm nest at the Puppyo organization until adopted.

35 euros per session, check the dates on

Image George Byrne


Sensual pastels that stand out on paper in such a way that a sweater often becomes superfluous: this, in short, is the work of Australian photographer George Byrne. In 2010 he left Sydney for California, where he has since conquered the world with his architectural street photographs of Los Angeles and Palm Springs. The second edition of his book Post Truth collects photos from the series of the same name, with ten new previously unpublished images as extras.

Post Truth, George Byrne, published by Hatje Cantz, 144 pages, 45 euros,

Image Anya Hindmarch

Funny eyes

Icebreaker or attention-grabber: With a playful scarf from Anya Hindmarch you are sure to be the center of attention. The British designer has made humor her trademark, just think of the smiling handbags or the cornflake box-shaped wallets. This winter, the eyes of the ‘All Over Eyes’ capsule will make everyone smile. Choose from knitted hot water bottle covers, blankets and leather goods with a wink.

‘All Over Eyes’, maxi scarf with eyelet print, available in 3 colours, 350 euros,

Image Gustav Westman

Intelligent minds

Keep your morning mood in check with a delicious breakfast in cheerful tableware. Swedish designer Gustaf Westman’s oversized plates and cups look ready to eat. Choose from different sizes in a colorful range of colors, which you can vary according to your mood.

Large ceramic coffee cup with saucer, from 45 euros,

Brussels Wolf Sculpture

Worldly street food in Brussels

Four years ago the former headquarters of the ASLK bank in Brussels was transformed into a food market. The industrial warehouse-style covered market has since become a mecca for foodies, with scents, colors and flavors from around the world. Seventeen food stalls serve Chinese dim sum, Indian curries, Syrian pastries or Belgian prawn croquettes, best enjoyed with a microbrewery’s house beer. There are also numerous events scheduled, such as tomorrow (14/1) the kick-off of the Wolf Food Fight. During this weight loss cooking competition, twelve amateur chefs, influencers and professional chefs compete for a large prize pool and a mention in the Wolf cookbook. Tasting and judging are possible starting from 10:00.

Wolvengracht 50, Brussels,

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2024-01-13 08:00:40
#Skip #winter #blues #morning

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