PS5 Pro: is it worth the wait? For me it’s not that obvious

by worldysnews
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This is more of a question for people who already have their own “plejkak”. Well, if it’s going to be anything like what we had in the previous generation, I don’t think it’s worth trying to expand it a little bit. But let’s start from the beginning.

As you know, since the beginning, Sony PlayStation 5 has been and still is one of the most desirable consoles on the market. Surprising power, modern design (quite futuristic and the huge size of the FAT) and a rich library of games (only thanks to backward compatibility) make PS5 a dream for many gamers. Fortunately, this can be achieved through increased production and a smaller share of “Business People”. Although I think after three years the console should be cheaper and not stagnant in price.

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However, is it worth buying this console now if you haven’t yet (or vice versa) and an improved version is planned for 2024? Will PS5 Pro be so good/better that it will be worth the wait? Or maybe PS5 Pro is just a “marketing gimmick” that will not significantly improve the quality of the game, but will only improve it slightly? Well, let’s talk about it.

PS5 Pro: what we know, what are the rumors in town

Much of what circulates on the Internet is simply rumors, unverified and unofficial information from various types of people, and recent leaks. However, it is known that a console is planned. Many sources suggest that PS5 Pro will be announced in September 2024, but he’s not sure if that works either. I think Sony will want to maintain interest in the new model (PS5 Slim) and maybe, or even more likely, we will see the new console more in 1-1.5 years. However, it is obvious that it will be more powerful, more efficient, but also more expensive than PS5.

At the same time, the Japanese should not overdo it (with the price) and remember that in their business model they earn mainly on games and accessories, and not on the console itself, at least at first. What else? Probably a new processor with higher clock speed, a more powerful graphics card based on the AMD RDNA3 architecture, faster RAM, improved ray tracing, NPU unit for artificial intelligence calculations and image scaling technology similar to NVIDIA DLSS. It will apparently reach up to 28.67 TFLOP. It is rumored that the PS5 Pro will cost between 500 and 600 dollars, but if this is true, the “slim” version should cost around 450 dollars for the versions with player, which I don’t know if it is realistic to achieve in 2024 at high costs . Sony is incurring costs not only in terms of hardware, but also inflated budgets for AAA titles, which can only yield well if the wind is favorable, as they will probably pay off.

PS5 Pro: is it worth the wait?

Of course, there are arguments in favor of switching to PS5 Pro related to better graphics quality, smooth gameplay and greater technological possibilities. PS5 Pro will offer higher resolution – it will apparently be able to support 8K natively, but if not, it will be able to achieve that resolution in a scalable way – higher frames per second, better lighting effects and shading, as well as greater immersion through the use of a greater degree of artificial light, intelligence and the aforementioned image scaling. PS5 Pro will be the console of the future, or rather what it should have been from the beginning. I’m sure it will provide a much better visual and audio experience, but with the ball and chain being slime, developers will have to release games for both, which may limit the leap and technological shock that any of us would like. finally experience. Well, that’s the problem. What worries me is that the PS5 hasn’t shown its capabilities or the power it packs (there are some exceptions, but they’re marginal).

It is worth mentioning the example of the PS4, which, especially at the end of its life (and it is still alive), showed what we were all waiting for. Yet she didn’t sin with her power, she could burn your eyes out. I’m worried that the developers will focus more on the Pro version, neglecting the PS5. Well, that’s not what we’re talking about. Is it worth waiting for PS5 Pro if you already have PS5 at home? Yes and no. I probably won’t upgrade to the Pro version, as this may be a similar situation to what we faced with the PS4 and PS4 Pro. This wasn’t a solution for everyone. And secondly, one will inhibit the other, offering perhaps only slightly more, because as we know, Sony is good at making promises – I wonder where all the game-changing PS VR2 games will be?

There are arguments against switching to the PS5 Pro related to price, availability and need. Price can be a problem for many gamers, especially in Poland, where average earnings are lower than in other countries: already having a console, many will be reluctant to buy a second one. PS5 Pro may have (although I hope not) an additional availability problem, just like PS5, which has been sold at inflated prices by speculators for a year. PS5 Pro could also prove useless for many gamers who do not have a suitable television to exploit, or rather see, all its potential. The console may also launch too soon, since the PS5 has yet to show off everything it’s capable of. The console is still defending itself. It has a great processor, graphics card and memory, which developers should use much better now, and not in the future, because it may turn out to be black.

Microsoft is also in the game, so it could be even more interesting

All things considered, PS5 Pro will be a console with many advantages (I’m especially interested in the approach that shifts more towards the use of artificial intelligence). It will be an attractive proposition for those who follow the latest trends, expectations, possibilities, etc. Better performance and graphics are a good argument for buying Pro, but looking through the prism of the untapped potential of PS5, which should provide us with more, I don’t know, is it worth buying a new one (expensive business) or reselling the old one by amortizing a some expenses? The PS5 Pro undoubtedly raises many emotions, but also many questions. And if Microsoft (according to rumors) released its next-gen earlier, at least a year before Sony (I’m referring to PS6), we could have a really interesting market situation..

2024-01-11 21:32:00
#PS5 #Pro #worth #wait #obvious

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