Processions this Holy Saturday in León

by worldysnews
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The processions of ‘Santo Cristo del Desenclavo’, ‘La Soledad’ and ‘Camino de la luz’ will fill the streets of the Leonese capital during Holy Saturday.

Thus, the Brotherhood of Santo Cristo del Desenclavo will illuminate the steps of the same name, ‘Our Mother María Santísima del Desconsuelo and ‘La Piedad’which will depart at 4:30 p.m. from the Patio del Colegio Leonés, in front of the Church of Santa Marina la Real, to continue through Serranos, Plaza del Vizconde, Convento, and Cardenal Landázuri, where the Barefoot Clarisas Franciscan mothers will sing the Salve from the interior of the Convent of the Holy Cross before the image of Our Mother María del Desconsuelo.

The parade will continue through Plaza de Regla, Ancha, Cid and Plaza San Isidoro, where will celebrate the liberation of Christ before the Door of Forgiveness of the Royal Basilica of San Isidoro. The tour will continue through Sacramento, Plaza Santo Martino, Plaza Puerta Castillo, and Serranos to return to the starting point.

At 7 p.m. it will be the turn of the ‘Procession of Solitude’ organized by the Royal Brotherhood of Jesús Divino Obrero and which will start from the church of the same name with ‘Christ of Peace and Mercy’, ‘Holy Cross of Hope’, ‘Saint John the Evangelist’ and ‘The Three Marys’.

The parade will pass through Víctor de los Ríos, Obispo Almarcha, José María Fernández, San Pedro, Puerta Obispo, Plaza de Regla, Sierra Pambley, Ancha, Varillas, Cardiles, Platerías, Plegaria, Plaza Mayor, Santa Cruz, Puerta Sol, Daoiz and Velarde, San Pablo, Víctor de los Ríos and Church of Jesús Divino Obrero, where the Easter Vigil will be celebrated

Fifteen minutes later, at 19.15, the ‘Camino de la Luz’ procession will departorganized by the Holy Sepulcher Brotherhood that will illuminate the ‘Holy Sepulcher’, ‘The New Man’ and ‘Our Lady of Light’.

The parade will go through Mariano Domínguez Berrueta, Plaza Mayor and Plegaria, where the ceremony of handing over the fire will be held in the Parish of San Martín, a fire that will later be used to light the Easter candle. The parade will continue through Plaza de San Martín, Zapaterías, Plaza de Don Gutierre, Fernández Cadórniga, and Plaza de las Concepcións, where the fire will be delivered to the Convent of the Conceptionist Mothers.

The fire will be delivered again to the Parish of San Marcelo, after which the parade will continue along Calle Ancha and Plaza de Regla, until the Cathedral, where the Easter Vigil will begin at 11 p.m. and once it ends, at 24 hours it will be the turn of the ‘Piadoso Vía Lucís’ organized by the brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesús Sacramentado and which departs from the Basilica of San Isidoro.

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