A giant stuffed animal was the alibi used the police to arrest that of drug sellers in the middle of San Valentin.

With the trick of disguising a giant stuffed agent, the Peruvian Police misled a woman who was selling drugs.

“You are my reason to smile,” read the sign carried by the undercover agent dressed as a bear, along with a heart-shaped balloon.

The arrest took place in the Lima district of San Martín de Porres.

There, through a police operation, the suspect was arrested. She, thinking that it was a surprise for Valentine’s Day, approached the giant stuffed animal.

The agent waited until she got close enough and immobilized on the ground. At that moment, the rest of the police came out of their hiding places to make the arrest.

In addition, the operation ended with the arrest of another suspect who was engaged in the same illicit activity.

It is common for the Peruvian Police to carry out this type of operational on designated dates.

Last Halloween, a group of agents dressed up as superheroes to dismantle a small gang that also trafficked drugs in Lima.

These types of images go viral on Peruvian social networks and also attract the attention of international media.