Nuclear war in the Middle East? The threat of conflict with the use of nuclear weapons is growing

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Experts say Tehran, which is stockpiling uranium, is now closer to obtaining a bomb than at any time in history. According to them, he could produce it in six months to a year. The Iranian regime has always insisted that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes.

However, Brigadier General Ahmad Haghtalab, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in charge of nuclear security, said on Thursday that this could change if Iran was attacked by Israel. “A re-evaluation of our nuclear doctrine and policy as well as previously communicated considerations is entirely possible,” he said.

It is the first time in history that what Iran has explicitly mentioned about its nuclear program.

The IRGC commander also warned that Iran would respond “decisively” to any Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities. “If the Zionist regime (Israel) wants to take action against our nuclear centers and facilities, it will definitely and surely face our response.” he told Iran’s state news agency, saying that Israel’s nuclear facilities would be targeted for a possible counterattack. He also pointed out that Iran has “identified” Israel’s nuclear facilities and has “necessary information on all such targets”.

On Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian warned that Tehran would make Israel “regret” any attack on its country.

“In case of any use of force by the Israeli regime and violation of our sovereignty, the Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate one bit to exercise its natural rights, give a decisive and appropriate response and make the regime regret its actions.” he told the UN Security Council during a meeting on the Middle East.

Tensions related to nuclear weapons

In recent years, the Islamic Republic has accused Israel of sabotage attacks on its facilities and the murders of nuclear scientists. On Monday head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi said Iran closed its nuclear facilities to inspectors after the attack “for security reasons”.

It is common knowledge that Israel has nuclear weapons, but has never admitted it.

The already tense situation in the Middle East escalated after Iran launched its first direct attack on Israel last weekend. He sent 300 missiles and attack drones to the Jewish state. Israel and its allies eliminated 99 percent of them, the damage was minimal.

Today, Iran suspended flights to Tehran, Isfahan or Shiraz and other cities in the west, northwest and southwest of the country, writes CNN. At least eight flights were diverted outside Iranian airspace, according to FlightRadar24. Iran has activated air defense in several provinces. The target was not nuclear facilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency said.

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