Milett Figueroa banned two trans dancers from approaching Marcelo Tinelli: “You kiss him and he ruffles your hair”

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Milett Figueroa and her warning to trans girls Sol 1 and Sol 2. | Dance / América TV (Argentina)

In the television program “Bailando 2023”, the transgender girls known as Sol 1 and Sol 2 survived the recent night of elimination and, during a broadcast, accused the Peruvian Milett Figueroa of having warned them of their behavior in front of Marcelo Tinelli, the host . of the show.

During the broadcast of the program, Milett’s current boyfriend interacted with the participants, praising Sol 1’s change of look and joking with Sol 2, who responded with humor. “Here are my girls, Sol 1 and Sol 2. First I want to say: Sol 1’s haircut is very cute,” was the presenter’s praise for the young woman’s blonde highlights. “She has made an impressive change, do you like your wife like that?” asked Tinelli to Sol 2. As is known, the two artists are a couple.

“Yes, do you want to comb my hair?”, he replied, to which the Argentine immediately replied: “I’ll do your hair, but… I was about to tell you something scandalous, but it’s better not to.” .” Noticing that they were looking towards Milett, located in the streaming room, Marcelo asked why, to which Sol 2 indicated that Milett had given them some prohibitions.

Milett Figueroa warned trans girls Sol 1 and Sol 2 in Bailando. | Catch América TV (Argentina)

Tensions escalated when Sol 2 said Figueroa had forbidden them from kissing the driver and admitted he changed his behavior following that warning. The situation became tense when the Peruvian model intervened, urging the participants not to lie and stressing that she had only asked them to behave. However, Sol 2 admitted that he had limited communication with Marcelo due to Milett’s instructions.

“Why are they looking at Milett?” the presenter wanted to know, seeing the Sols look up. “Milett forbids us to kiss you…” Sol 2 said, to the studio’s surprise.

In response to the accusation, Figueroa urged them from the broadcast booth not to lie and clarified that he had simply asked them to behave appropriately. “Don’t lie, I told you before to behave,” the Peruvian model said.

Who are the trans girls Sol 1 and Sol 2 who accused Milett Figueroa of threatening them? | Instagram solution

“Yes, that’s why we’re so calm and we almost don’t talk to you anymore,” Sol 2 acknowledged, while Marcelo asked them, “So that’s why you didn’t talk to me, because you were threatened by Milett?”

Despite the initial refusal, Sol 1 admitted that it was not a threat but rather a “clarification”, revealing Figueroa’s exact words: “He told me ‘Kiss my boyfriend and I’ll go to your house and beat you.’ . the hairs.'” The situation revealed the competitiveness and friction between the participants of the dance competition and, in particular, with the charismatic host Marcelo Tinelli.

The actress and model Milett Figueroa has openly expressed her feelings towards Marcelo Tinelli, host of ‘Bailando 2023’, consolidating their romantic relationship despite the criticism and the little time together. During her speech on the ‘Amor y Fuego’ program, Figueroa called Tinelli “the love of her life” and underlined the happiness and mutual affection they currently share.

Milett Figueroa and Marcelo Tinelli spent New Year’s Eve in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Instagram/@marcellotinelli

Figueroa, facing possible criticism for the strength of his feelings despite nearly six months of romance, explained that his statement was not due to an impulse, but rather the deep connection and support they experience with each other. the other. “He is the love of my life,” Milett insisted, noting that they are both “aligned in the love” and care they provide for each other.

“I believe that in my present he is the love of my life. Yes, he is, for both of us. I feel like we are both very aligned in the love we have for each other, I feel like we care about each other a lot, I feel like he cares about me a lot, I love taking care of him and I enjoy everything too, I’m very happy on this side too,” he commented.

Milett Figueroa assures that Marcelo Tinelli is the love of her life: “That’s how I tell him.” | Love and Fire.
2024-01-18 01:24:00
#Milett #Figueroa #banned #trans #dancers #approaching #Marcelo #Tinelli #kiss #ruffles #hair

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