Kissing a pet cat can spread disease, be careful!

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Having a pet cat is sometimes adorable and makes you fall in love. The owner did not hesitate to kiss the pet cat. Photo/iStock

SURABAYA – Having a pet cat is sometimes adorable and makes you fall in love. The owner did not hesitate to kiss the pet cat. But, is the habit of kissing pet cats dangerous?

UM Surabaya Biology Education Lecturer Nur Hidayatullah Ramadhon said that kissing cats has many risks. One of them is disease transmission.

Dayat emphasized that cats can carry various microorganisms which are transmitted to humans through their saliva or fur. For example, toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, can be transmitted through contact with infected cats. Not only that, skin diseases such as ringworm can also be transmitted through direct contact with cats or their environment.

“In addition to the risk of disease, cat kisses can also cause allergic reactions in some people. “Cat dander or proteins in their saliva can cause symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, or sneezing in people who are sensitive to these allergens,” explained Dayat.

According to him, in facing this risk, it is important for cat owners to pay attention to the cleanliness and health of their cats. Regular vet check-ups, good environmental cleaning, and ensuring your cat gets a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of disease transmission.

In addition, reducing the frequency of kissing cats and paying attention to signs of discomfort in pets is also important to prevent bad habits from forming.

Although giving your pet cat affection through kisses is an act of kindness, it is important to remain aware of the risks.

“By paying attention to cleanliness, cat health and our own health, we can maintain a harmonious and healthy relationship with our beloved pets,” concluded Dayat.


#Kissing #pet #cat #spread #disease #careful
2024-03-10 19:08:03

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