Ivana Trumpová: Alcohol and the StB and FBI investigation!

by worldysnews
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  • February 20, 2024 ● 5:20 p.m

    On February 20, the famous Czech native Ivana Trumpová (†73), an unmistakable blonde with always high combed hair, would have celebrated her 75th birthday. However, she tragically passed away two years ago, so she will never celebrate another birthday. However, on this anniversary of her unlived life, we will remember several interesting facts from her life…

  • She was born in Gottwaldov, today’s Zlín, as Ivana Zelníčková. She skied competitively from a young age, studied at university. Thanks to her successes in skiing, she became a substitute for the Czechoslovak Olympic team and was able to travel to the West. It didn’t take long and she got to Canada, where she worked as a model. Later she went to the USA – and there she met her second husband, the future US president Donald Trump (77). In total, she managed to marry and divorce four times. What did you (maybe?) not know about her?

  • In April 1978, a year after Ivana Trump’s marriage to tycoon Donald Trump, the Gottwald administration StB established a file called IVANA. A little earlier, however, the communist police processed her father Miloš Zelníček (†63), whom they registered as a confidant. Thanks to him and also some family “friends”, they could have information about the prominent couple as if on a silver platter. In addition to his successes in business, Trump already started to get involved in politics at that time. He took part in the election campaign defending US President Jimmy Carter (99) against Ronald Reagan (†93).

  • She was investigated by the FBI for at least two years. She investigated Ivana’s possible links to the writer Jiří Mucha, who was connected to Czechoslovak intelligence and arranged fictitious marriages, and the circumstances under which Ivana Trumpová met in her native country in June 1990 with the Czechoslovak president and former dissident Václav Havel (†75).

    At the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century, there was also an investigation into Ivana’s contacts with Russian mobsters, who were supposed to be involved in the murder of two stock brokers. Although some documents from the investigation were destroyed during the investigation and “hundreds” of them were reviewed by other government agencies, the native of Zlín was never charged with wrongdoing.

  • The end of the famous businesswoman’s life was sad. Trump was depressed by covid, due to which she had to stop her globetrotting life for two years. “The possibility of infection absolutely terrified her,” claimed her close friend, Italian producer Massimo Gargia (83). The death of Rossano Rubicondi’s last husband did not add to her (†49), for whom, even though they were already divorced, she paid for the entire cancer treatment. “She was having complicated months and had a problem with alcohol,” Gargia revealed perhaps the last secret of Ivan’s life.

    By the way, it wasn’t the first time she sought solace at the bottom of a glass. She also stayed in an alcohol treatment facility in Malibu in the 1990s, a few years after her stormy divorce from Trump. Then when she said goodbye to her friends from rehab, she bought all the people recovering from addiction champagne to say goodbye…

  • Trump was found dead on July 14 by a cleaning lady in her apartment, lying under a large, winding staircase. Although the first information spoke of a cardiac arrest, the autopsy confirmed that the businesswoman died as a result of a torso injury after falling down the stairs.

    The police then stated that no foul play was suspected in her death. “The medical examiner determined that her cause of death was an accident,” the office’s report said. But the timing of the death of the ex-wife of a mobile businessman seemed more than suspicious to some people…

  • Conspiracy theorists pointed to the fact that just a day later, the Trump family was scheduled to testify at the trial. Trump and his two oldest children, Ivanka (42) and Donald Jr. (46), were subpoenaed to testify under oath after prosecutors said a three-year investigation uncovered evidence that the Trump Organization routinely inflated property values ​​(including office blocks, apartment buildings and golf courses) to obtain loans at favorable rates and application of tax credits.

    However, due to the death of Ivana Trump, the Attorney General postponed the summons to give the family time to grieve in peace. However, the fantasy of many of her supporters (and opponents) was already working at full speed. In her death, which was nothing more than an unfortunate fall from the dangerous stairs, which she herself joked would one day be fatal, they were accused of murder…

  • You can see photos from Ivana Trump’s remarkable life in our gallery.

    The late Ivana Trumpová (†73): Successes and scandals of her life Videohub

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