Italy participates within the recovery of the “Tanmel” Mosque

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Hespress from RabatTuesday, Would possibly 21, 2024 – 11:11

Mavens from the Authority of Antiquities and Advantageous Arts within the Italian provinces of Chieti and Pescara, led by means of the architect Aldo Giorgio Pizzi, will come to the Kingdom of Morocco to take part within the recovery paintings of the historical “Tanmil” Mosque within the Al Haouz province, the start of the Almohad state, which was once critically broken by means of the Because of the earthquake, consistent with what was once reported by means of Italian media.

The similar resources defined that closing October, the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs asked, in the course of the Italian embassy in Morocco, the usage of Italian experience with the intention to habits a initial evaluation of the wear and tear to the mosque, a request that Rome spoke back to, assigning the duty to engineer Pizzi, who grew up in Morocco and prior to now He participated in recovery operations there.

The mosque, which was once constructed by means of “Caliph Abd al-Mu’min ibn Ali al-Mawhad” within the 12th century AD, and which was once integrated at the UNESCO Global Heritage Listing in 1995, was once broken by means of the new earthquake that struck the Al Haouz area, the place a gaggle of Moroccans expressed their remorseful about and sorrow on the harm brought about. This ancient landmark, whilst UNESCO showed on the time that “a challenge affiliated with it went to Marrakesh to supply strengthen to the Moroccan government to account for the losses incurred by means of the heritage and schooling sectors and to safe structures in preparation for reconstruction.”

For his or her phase, the ones considering heritage and historical past, in a prior interview with the Hespress digital newspaper in this matter, known as for the recovery of the mosque as a ancient witness and a very powerful vacationer website that contributes to native building and revitalizing the commercial cycle of the encircling spaces.

Italy earthquake results Al Haouz Mosque Tanmal

#Italy #participates #recovery #Tanmel #Mosque
2024-05-22 19:29:41

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