Is sex during pregnancy safe?

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Pregnancy is one of the most complex stages that a woman can go through, as it entails a series of physical, psychological and sexual changes, which most of the time are not talked about or normalized. In addition to this, there are a series of myths and misinformation about sex during pregnancy, which makes this entire process more complicated for women.

Specialists report that, as the months go by, women tend to develop fear that sexual activity will affect the fetus, which can make the pregnancy process less bearable, according to the article “Main myths about sexuality in pregnancy.” ”.

There are a variety of myths about having sexual activity during pregnancy, so it is important to have adequate information from reliable sources so that couples can achieve pleasurable, informed, responsible and respectful sexuality. Therefore, here are some points about sex when there is a pregnancy involved that can reduce the fear caused by misinformation.

1. The penis can hit or hurt the baby during sex

According to specialists, this information is false since the penis enters the vagina, while the fetus is inside the uterus and the amniotic sac, which has thin walls that surround the fetus and protect it from injuries and regulates its temperature during birth. pregnancy, so the penis will never have direct contact with the fetus.

2. During pregnancy you feel less sexual pleasure

This saying has also been proven to be false since it is said that there is generally more pleasure during pregnancy due to the increase in hormones during this period.

3. Sexual relations should be avoided during pregnancy

The kinesiologist specializing in sexuality Odette Freundlich explains that this statement is false, since, if there is no medical contraindication in this regard, there is no reason to avoid having sexual relations during pregnancy. She also emphasizes that this activity favors the bond between the couple, coupled with the other benefits that sexuality as such generates.

4. The fetus can perceive that they are having a sexual encounter

Fake. Studies show that the baby is protected by amniotic fluid, which is found inside the sac inside the uterus.

5. There are no suitable positions for sex during pregnancy

According to the information available, this is false, since there are many positions that facilitate comfort and pleasure. The recommendation made is to look for appropriate sexual positions that do not cause discomfort and do not put so much pressure on the woman’s abdomen. Therefore, it is essential that there is communication in sexual encounters.

6. Orgasm can trigger childbirth

Specialists affirm that the contractions that occur in the uterus at the time of orgasm are totally different from those that occur during childbirth. They also say that the only contraindication could be that the cervix is ​​dilated and you want to prevent childbirth from occurring.

7. If there is a pregnancy you cannot contract sexually transmitted diseases

Medical research confirms that this information is false, because diseases can be contracted even while pregnant. These are transmitted through fluids or blood, therefore, if one of the members of the couple has it, the recommendation is to use protection.

8. The body of pregnant women is not very sexy

This belief is false since research on the partners of pregnant women has revealed that they find them more attractive during that stage.

9. Not taking care of your weight during pregnancy because you will still gain weight

Over time, it has been shown that it is important for pregnant women to eat a healthy diet, since excess could affect posture, generate pelvic floor dysfunctions, cause pain in the feet and spine due to overload, and make breathing difficult. among many others.

10. Pregnancy has an impact on the couple and intimacy

Although the man does not carry the baby inside, it has been shown that he also experiences the changes of pregnancy, although in a different way: mood and physical changes affect him, and sometimes the man may also experience the symptoms of pregnancy. The ideal thing to maintain a bond as a couple is to establish fluid communication about their mood. Knowing how they feel will help both of them better navigate all facets of pregnancy.

Is sex during pregnancy safe?

#sex #pregnancy #safe
2024-04-15 20:11:50

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