If hoarseness, foreign body sensation in the throat, or sores in the mouth persist for more than 3 months, is it due to head and neck cancer?

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If hoarseness, foreign body sensation in the throat, or sores in the mouth persist for more than 3 months, is it due to head and neck cancer?

[건강이 최고] HPV, which causes cervical cancer, is also cited as a cause.

Head and neck cancer is cancer that occurs near the head and neck. In most cases, it begins in the squamous cells that line the inner lining of the head and neck. Cancer itself is unfamiliar and is known to be difficult to treat, so many people are afraid of it. However, if diagnosed early, more than 90% of cases can be cured.

Smoking and drinking are considered the main causes of the disease. Recently, there is an increasing number of patients developing head and neck cancers due to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus that causes cervical cancer. If hoarseness, foreign body sensation in the throat, or a sore in the mouth persists for more than 3 months, head and neck cancer should be suspected.

◇ The 5-year survival rate for head and neck cancer is approximately 60%

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The head and neck region refers to the area between the lower part of the brain and the upper part of the chest. Head and neck cancer refers to all cancers that occur in the head and neck region, including the oral cavity, nasal cavity, larynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, nasopharynx, thyroid, and the salivary glands, excluding the eyes, brain, ears and esophagus.

Representative tumors include cancer of the larynx, oral cavity, tonsils, pharynx, and salivary glands. The overall 5-year survival rate is about 60%, but the prognosis (course of treatment) varies depending on the location and stage of the cancer.

As with other cancers, the earlier head and neck cancer is detected, the higher the cure rate. However, the risk factors and symptoms of head and neck cancer are still unknown, so treatment is often overlooked.

Voice changes last for more than 6 weeks, sores or swelling in the mouth, or red-white spots on the oral mucosa do not heal for more than 3 weeks, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) lasts for more than 3 weeks, or a nose is constantly blocked or has strange discharge If concurrent or unrelated to periodontal disease, teeth are loose, a lump in the neck, cranial nerve palsy, an orbital lump, deafness in one ear persists for more than 3 weeks, or breathing difficulties occur, seek medical attention immediately as these could be symptoms of head and neck cancer.

◇Smoking, drinking, HPV, etc. are the causes of the disease.

The leading cause of head and neck cancer is smoking. The mouth, pharynx and larynx are the entrances to the respiratory tract, so they are directly affected by smoking. It is known that smoking is 2 to 3 times more likely to develop the disease than non-smokers. Alcohol consumption is also a causal factor: men who drink more than three times the recommended daily amount and women who drink more than double the recommended daily amount are at high risk of developing head and neck cancer.

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Additionally, “human papilloma virus (HPV)” has recently been mentioned as a cause of head and neck cancer. It is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse and causes cervical cancer, anal cancer and genital warts. If the lining of the mouth becomes infected through oral sex, etc., you may be exposed to oropharynx cancer.

Additionally, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal disease, exposure to radiation and ultraviolet rays, vitamin and iron deficiencies, and persistent physical stimulation of the head and neck may be causes of the disease.

◇Consider endoscopic/robotic surgery as a minimally invasive, function-preserving treatment

For the treatment of head and neck cancer, surgery is preferred, followed by radiation therapy. There are many different surgical methods, but recently there has been an increase in minimally invasive methods that minimize scarring or complications by accessing the inside of the mouth.

If surgery is not possible or metastatic head and neck cancer is treated, it is treated with immunotherapy drugs that activate the body’s immune cells.

For head and neck cancers, minimally invasive and function-preserving surgery is very important, so endoscopic and robotic interventions are expanding. In particular, with the advancement of surgical techniques, the indications for transoral surgery have expanded, which allows the operation to be performed via access to the mouth.

There are many reports of effective cancer treatments and improvements in vital functions by minimizing skin incisions and maximizing preservation of the organs needed for eating and speaking.

Transoral laser surgery or endoscopic surgery is a method of resection of lesions with a laser or endoscopic instrument by viewing the surgical site deep in the neck in a magnified manner using a surgical microscope or endoscope in the mouth. The advantage is that the treatment period is shorter and medical costs are lower than traditional open surgery or radiotherapy.

Among head and neck cancers, robotic surgery is possible for tumors that occur on the tonsils or root of the tongue. The surgery can be performed with much better vision than with the naked eye, shortening the time and reducing the size of the incision. Additionally, metastatic head and neck cancer that is inoperable can be treated with immunotherapy drugs that activate the body’s immune cells to attack the cancer.

Professor Lee Young-chan from the Department of Otolaryngology at Kangdong Kyung Hee University Hospital said: “In the treatment of head and neck cancer, it is very important to not only cure the disease, but also improve the patient’s quality of life and improve the aesthetic appearance problems after surgery.” He added: “In other words, the characteristic is that the cancer must be treated while preserving the patient’s functionality as much as possible.” “He said.

◇Avoid smoking, drinking and oral sex

To prevent head and neck cancer, you should refrain from smoking and drinking. It is best to abstain from oral sex and monitor your oral health through regular checkups.

Although it has not yet received national approval, the HPV vaccine (cervical cancer virus vaccine) is known to help prevent oropharyngeal cancer, and the vaccine is being expanded to men in many countries, including the United States. Therefore, HPV vaccination may also be a good way to prevent head and neck cancer.

Daeik Kwon Medical Reporter dkwon@hankookilbo.com

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2024-01-24 11:32:27
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