How can we protect ourselves from the toxic products of bioimperialism? – 2024-02-28 00:43:40

by worldysnews
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As the fall season continues, the frenzy for home canning grows. Today, almost every home uses canned food. Although some doctors talk about the harm of canned foods to the human body, others emphasize their benefits. WHO classified canned food as a risk group.

But what is the effect of canned food on health?

Food specialist Aga Salamov Publika.azsaid in a statement that canned foods are included in the risk group in various cases:

“For that, we have to look at the first field. There are fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides, the acids from which belong to the group of risky foods. Bio-imperialism is going on all over the world today. Even in a world of bioimperialism, all food is risky, not just canned goods. WHO knows that all fruits and vegetables grown today are formed by petcytes. Petsit is a chemical medicine. These drugs are applied to all fruits and vegetables. Pesticides protect plants from all weeds, rodents, insects, and are also used to obtain abundant harvest. Pesticides lead to chemical poisoning. Washable and non-washable petsites are available. There are several reasons why the WHO considers canned foods harmful. The first is to grow these crops in the field with pets. The second reason is botulism bacteria living in the soil. If this bacteria is not washed off properly, the product is considered to be infected with botulism bacteria, which leads to food poisoning. The high number of people who are poisoned by acid is caused by not washing the products well. We must protect ourselves from bacteria living in the soil.

The expert added that additives are used to make pickles in the industry tastier and crunchy:

“This is not the case in the home method. For example, when making pickled cucumbers at home, powdered sugar is used for crunch. However, this is not the case in the industrial method, sugar powder is injected instead of the additive. This causes different reactions. In the end, there is poisoning. WHO is just spreading empty statements. 99% of all food in the world is risky. These days everything that shortens human life is produced and cultivated. This is also called bio-imperialism. They took us captive in our own land. When we say this, we are not talking about Azerbaijan. Turkish, English, French, Russian everyone. If you are given a seed today, grow it. You will not be able to breed. They offer you 8 petsit to grow it. These pets are resistant to weeds, rodents, insects and defoliation. You have to buy them all. This is what it means to be taken prisoner in one’s own land. This also has a name, bio-imperialism. These days, as citizens of the world, we have all become victims of bio-imperialism.”

Doctor-therapist Subhan Hajiyev noted that canning is a method used for a long time by packing many food products in special airtight containers.

“There is a perception that canned food is of lower quality than fresh food. However, many studies have not confirmed this. From this point of view, let’s say that they broke this myth. Because many canned foods contain most of the nutrients. For example, proteins, carbohydrates, especially fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, K are contained in these canned foods. In addition, foods such as tomatoes and corn increase their antioxidant content when they are canned and heated for use. This is better for our health. But there are also water-soluble vitamins, for example, vitamin C, group B vitamins lose their properties in canned foods, and it is almost impossible to find these vitamins in those foods. No matter how good they are, of course, their harmful side is not excluded. Therefore, in many recommendations of the WHO, there are calls to be extremely careful with these foods.”

According to the doctor, such foods have as much harm as good:

“The downside is that many canned foods are not properly pasteurized, especially when packaged at home. These are serious consequences for the future. There is more of the substance we call “bpa” than the substance “bisphenol a” which is found in the packaging of many food products. As long as those canned foods remain, the amount of this substance increases, which has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, especially the endocrine system. Then sometimes, as I mentioned, it can contain deadly bacteria if it is not pasteurized very properly. These include clostridium, batulinum bacteria. Which causes botulism, and this disease can seriously damage the gastrointestinal tract, leading to paralysis and even death. Therefore, it is necessary to detect it in time and treat it correctly. This is often seen in home conditions, in canned and unpasteurized containers. My advice to people is to never eat canned food from bulging, broken, cracked or leaking containers. Be sure to pay attention to their production and consumption period. They should not use outdated ingredients and should definitely give up those foods when they feel any sour or bitter taste at the first taste.”

What we don’t know about canned food

Canning can be a very risky product that can cause paralysis or even death if the process steps are not performed according to technique. Canned foods are considered one of the most risky products in terms of food microbiology. The microorganism that poses a risk in canned goods is necessarily an anaerobic pathogen (developing only in an oxygen-free environment). Occurs 18-36 hours after ingestion of poisonous food. Symptoms of poisoning include marked weakness and dizziness. Common symptoms include blurred vision and double vision, dry mouth, difficulty speaking and swallowing, decreased heart rate, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Even very low grams of this toxin can cause paralysis and death in humans. Even tasting canned food that we suspect can paralyze us. The main issues that should be observed when preparing preserves:

– It is very important to use quality, whole raw materials.

– Adequate sorting/classification and effective washing are required to remove contaminants.

– All used tools and equipment should be washed with hot water. Lids must be new, jars for single servings.

– New lids must be used for all cans. A used cap is very risky as it cannot provide vacuum again.

Aysel Shahmar

#protect #toxic #products #bioimperialism

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