Greece is the primary Ecu nation to prohibit trawling

by worldysnews
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The legislation will come into power in nationwide parks inside of two years and in all marine spaces secure within the nation in 2030

The Greek Top Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, advised delegates on the convention Our Ocean in Athens This Tuesday they’re going to definitively ban backside trawling in all nationwide parks by way of 2026 and in all marine secure spaces by way of 2030 a machine of cutting-edge surveillance, together with drones, to implement the brand new legislation.

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Backside trawling performed by way of commercial vessels is a damaging large-scale fishing methodology because it drags heavy nets around the seabed, destroying habitats, killing species which might be trapped by way of those nets, and liberating carbon into the ocean and the ambience. .

The ONG Oceana, subsequent to Marine Conservation Society y Seas at Chance, has steered the UE to take harder motion in opposition to individuals that also permit backside trawling of their marine secure spaces. For now, most effective 7% to eight% of the sea is secureand most effective the 3% falls into the extremely secure class.

The Ionian Marine Nationwide Park will quilt nearly the 12% of Greek territorial waters, safeguarding marine mammals comparable to sperm whales, striped dolphins and the susceptible monk seal of the Mediterranean and the AMP from the south of Aegean, which covers the 6,61% of Greek territorial waters.

The director of the marine coverage marketing campaign of the global conservation crew Oceana, Nicholas Fournier, stated “Everybody anticipated France, Germany or Spain to step ahead. The truth that Greece is protecting this ban on backside trawling is unexpected however very welcome and We are hoping this create a domino impact in order that different Ecu international locations do the similar. “The drive is on France, which is able to host the UN ocean convention subsequent 12 months.”

#Greece #Ecu #nation #ban #trawling
2024-05-24 18:52:08

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