Floridsdorfer Aupark: “A bouldering wall, like at the Summer Olympics” | City vienna – 2024-04-17 12:18:35

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Vice Mayor Wiederkehr visits the realized wish of the million children and young people

Vienna (OTS) In the heart of the Floridsdorfer Aupark, between Japanese cherries and a tire carousel, a bouldering wall in the 21st district now invites children and young people to climb. The idea came from 19-year-old Alexander Windhab, a prospective mathematics and physics student. He successfully submitted his idea to the “Children and Youth Million” initiative, where it was now realized as one of twenty projects selected last year.

“In 2021, bouldering was part of the Summer Olympics for the first time, and I thought it would be perfect for a park in Vienna,” he says proudly. He is thrilled that many children and young people now have the chance to try out this sport in the park and possibly discover a new hobby for themselves. The wall, which is 4 meters high and 3 meters wide, offers climbing opportunities on both sides with varying levels of difficulty. Sand was also spread around the wooden bouldering wall to cushion falls.

“The bouldering wall not only enriches the park in terms of play for children, young people and adults, it is also tangible proof that ideas can become reality if you put your mind to it. Alexander Windhab submitted his idea and enough children and young people voted for it. Through the unique concept of the ‘Children and Youth Million’, we are transforming Vienna step by step into a large playground of ideas,” said Vice Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr after testing the wall himself.

Employees from MA 42, who supported the realization of the project, were also present at the opening of the first bouldering wall in a park in Floridsdorf. Including Britta Tscherteu from the Vienna City Gardens (MA 42) and Paul Stich, youth district councilor from the Floridsdorf district. The wall complements the already diverse offering at Aupark, which includes an extra-long hill slide, a large tire carousel and a popular sand and mud area. The wall is suitable for children aged 6 and over and is made of wood, ready for countless climbing adventures. At the same time, Wienxtra is already working on implementing other projects suggested by Vienna’s youngest citizens. Between May 21st and June 14th, children and young people will once again have the opportunity to cast their votes for preferred projects that will be implemented with a budget of 1 million euros.

“Soon all children and young people in the city will be invited to vote for new projects. This time too, there are many projects in the running that promote exercise and fun in sport. Take a look at Junges.wien.at and find your favorite projects there,” says Vucko Schüchner, Managing Director of Wienxtra, encouraging you to get involved.

The next projects for the Children and Youth Million are being developed

With the climbing wall in Floridsdorfer Aupark, 6 of the 20 winning projects of the participatory Children and Youth Million 2021 have now been realized. At the same time, 148 submitted project ideas from the second round are currently being developed into concrete projects – from the tree house playground to free swimming courses to the roller skating course. Between May 21st and June 14th, 2024, all children and young people between the ages of 5 and 20 will again have the chance to vote on the projects online at meine.wien. Those projects with the most votes will ultimately be implemented with funds from the Children and Youth Million amounting to 1 million euros.

In 2023, the Children and Youth Million project received the Austrian Youth Prize. It is already considered a best practice example for participation among children and young people. Other federal states also want such successful formats and the format has already aroused international interest.

The Children and Youth Million is part of Vienna’s children and youth strategy, which aims to make Vienna the most child and youth friendly city in the world. The initiative is organized and implemented by the “Young Vienna” coordination office at Wienxtra.

Questions & Contact:

Nina Oezelt
Media spokesperson for Vice Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr, MA
+43 1 4000 83221

Kristina Grgic
+43 909 4000 84 381

#Floridsdorfer #Aupark #bouldering #wall #Summer #Olympics #City #vienna

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