“Doctor Vševěd” Jiří Martínek: I didn’t get straight A’s in school. A number of subjects did not suit me! | For women

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You have finished filming the second season of Superlovu. You sat side by side again. How was it after a year?

Beautiful and challenging. From Bratislava, where the show is filmed, I could only see the hall and the hotel. But then again, it was fun, nice work with a bunch of nice people, so hopefully the audience will like it.

Who did it best this time? Has anyone annoyed you with their competitiveness?

I’m not “living” it somehow, I’m enjoying it. But of course, Cuba is the king of Superlov :).

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Can you think of a contestant who entertained you?

I was interested in Mrs. Veronika, that I had seen her before. And yes, she played against me on Na Lova… And the scene with the twins from Bušovice was nice.

And can you remember any of Ondra’s jokes that really made you laugh a lot and maybe even offended you a little?

There were a lot of them. I just don’t know what is from normal Hunt, what is from Super Hunt, and what else is from somewhere else. This year it was a comment about the fact that I like the rake, that it has such a long tongue… What was I thinking? When Ondřej Sokol uses everything you say against you :).

You were probably a first grader when you were in school? When did you start having the first problems and with what subject?

With art education and work teaching, from the beginning. In the science subjects, mathematics, when geometry started, and almost all of physics. And gradually I discovered that I am not very good at foreign languages.

What were your favorite subjects in primary and secondary school?

I enjoyed school in general. Maybe it was more about the teacher than the subject. Of course, history and geography were such constants, however sometimes the teacher also managed to disgust them.

There is a prejudice about smart people that they are not very manual dexterous. How is it with you? Where are your limits in the home?

When entering the apartment :). For me, this is not a prejudice, but a description of reality. So sometimes I am able to do something: change a light bulb, turn on the dishwasher, but I prefer to entrust more complex work to professionals.

Another prejudice is that smart kids don’t excel at gym. How was it for you?

Again, it depends on the teacher. A magor measuring physical performance along the lines of a zupák in the military is not my cup of coffee, but a skilled coach, like I had in high school, will pass on that love for sports.

Wikipedia has its pros and cons. How often do you search for information here?

So the basic data, if they are recovered, is of course not a problem. I don’t draw professional texts from her, but I definitely don’t reject the wiki. My password is factually correct there :).

What social networks do you have and what is your relationship with them?

I have an Instagram, @doktorvseved, which I keep in pretty usable form with some 4000+ followers (and I also manage a second, work account, @biograficky_slovnik_cz ). I haven’t failed any other networks yet.

You are known to be a quizzer and you also go here for pub quizzes. But what about crosswords or figure eights? Are you guessing?

In the case of x-hour waiting at the doctor, when the reading runs out and the internet does not work. I solved a few of them (and rather than a crossword or sudoku), but I prefer to read (and ideally outside of specialist texts).

The first premiere episode of the second series of Superlov will be shown by TV Nova on Saturday, March 23 at 8:20 p.m.

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