Comparison of Sumatran Tigers and Javanese Tigers, from Habitat to Prey

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Sumatran tigers (left) and Javanese tigers apparently have different habitats and prey. Photo: Wikipedia/WWF

JAKARTA Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) and Javanese tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) are two endemic animals that can only be found in Indonesia.

Unfortunately, the Javanese tiger has been declared extinct since the 1980s, but after that many reports began to say that this endemic animal from Java is still not extinct because of the discovery of tracks, scratches on trees and hair, which were indicated as belonging to the Javanese tiger in 1990. -an.

Even so, the Javanese tiger’s extinct status cannot be revoked because the evidence is still insufficient. Meanwhile, the Sumatran tiger is currently in the category of critically endangered animals.

The biggest threat causing the extinction of the Javanese Tiger and the threat of the Sumatran Tiger is the decreasing habitat and illegal hunting.
As two endemic animals that can only be found in Indonesia, both the Sumatran Tiger and the Javan Tiger have their own characteristics that are different from each other.

Comparison of Sumatran Tigers and Javanese Tigers

1. Habitat

Sumatran tiger

Sumatran tigers are found on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, in tropical rainforests, mountains and lowlands. This type of tiger is also often found in the Riau region.

Before they became extinct, Javanese tigers were often found in lowland forests on the island of Java, from the tip of Banyuwangi in East Java to Ujung Kulon in Banten.

2. Body Color

The fur of Sumatran tigers tends to be darker than other types of tigers, they mostly have dark brown fur with dense stripes. Apart from that, the fur of this type of tiger can also be said to be the shortest compared to other types of tigers.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Javanese tigers have brighter fur with narrower black stripes. However, the color of this tiger’s stripes tends to be indistinct.

3. Body Size

Even though the Javanese tiger is classified as a small tiger compared to the Siberian and Bengal tigers, this tiger is larger than the Sumatran tiger.

Sumatran tigers are generally smaller than other tigers. Body length ranges from 2 to 2.5 meters, with a weight reaching 100 to 140 kg for males and 75 to 110 kg for females.

Meanwhile, the Javanese tiger’s body length ranges from 2 to 2.5 meters, with a weight reaching 100 to 140 kg for males and 75 to 115 kg for females.

4. Victim

Because they are in the forests of Sumatra, which are relatively larger than the forests in Java, the Sumatran tiger’s diet is much more varied. These tigers generally prey on wild boars, deer, poultry, deer, mouse deer, macaques, porcupines, pangolins and sun bears.

Meanwhile, the Javanese tiger, which has a relatively narrow territory, has a limited variety of prey. This tiger generally often preys on wild and cloven-hoofed animals.

These are some comparisons between Sumatran tigers and Javanese tigers. Where these two endemic animals have their own characteristics.


#Comparison #Sumatran #Tigers #Javanese #Tigers #Habitat #Prey
2024-03-23 07:23:01

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