Brenda of Beverly Hills Shannen Doherty: Cancer killed my sex

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The famous Brenda of Beverly Hills 902 10 or Prue from the series Witches Shannen Doherty she has admitted that cancer treatment has negatively affected even her sexuality. The actress talked about it in a new episode of her podcast Let”s Be Clearwhere she invited her good friend, model Anne Marie Kortright (41), as a guest.

“When you don’t feel good about your body, it kills your libido. The drugs completely take away your desire for sex, or it happens that you don’t enjoy sex as much as it used to.” the actress admitted quite frankly what troubles many patients, including herself.

Embarrassment at the gynecologist

In the end, it was Kortright who helped her. As they told the listeners together, both of them were brought up very conservatively, so the whole matter was especially spicy for them. Finally, Anne Marie brought her sick friend to gynecologist Dr. Sherry Ross, who specializes in women’s sexual health. “It makes me blush,” Doherty shyly admitted into the microphone.

“Of course I dragged Shannen to the gynecologist and sat there with her, I’m already like this,” Kortright laughed. “She took me there because, you know, I told her outright that I had to do something about it. Things weren’t working out the way they were supposed to, and I didn’t want to live like this anymore.” Shannen confided.

“I didn’t want my husband to have to live like this either,” the actress admitted. At the time, she was living with her third husband, Kurt Iswarienko (49), whom she married in 2011. But in December 2023, they announced a divorce – the actress discovered that her husband had been cheating on her for two years.

New toy

Ross’s gynecologist’s office embarrassed both timid friends. “She had such… toys on display all over the place,” Kortright described. “And then she said, ‘Shannen, take this,’ and Shannen put it in her bag. She kept asking, ‘Do you think it can be seen?’ And I said: ‘No one sees it, no one knows it’s there!’ And she: ‘Are you sure?'” the model described funny moments.

The doctor instructed the actress how to handle the new device. But when a friend asked her the next day how the gadget worked, Shannen just blushed. “It’s still in that bag,” she admitted. “I was as red as a tomato,” Doherty confided in the podcast. “It stayed in that bag for a long time. I’m blushing just talking about it” laughed the actress.

She also shared pictures from chemotherapy with her fans.

A complex problem

According to Doherty, many things affected her sex libido, not just cancer and demanding treatment. “Perimenopause, menopause, aging – it all affects more than just the outside,” she told listeners. “It also affects how your body reacts, and when you add to that the cancer treatment, chemotherapy… It just completely shuts you down. It takes away your confidence, it takes away your identity.” Doherty admitted.

“You have to love yourself first. You didn’t love yourself, so how could you accept that someone else loves you?’ nodded to her friend Anne Marie Kortright. However, not one of them has revealed what happened with the mysterious toy in the end.

Shannen is fighting cancer, but she is definitely not giving up. .

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