AVISO: GLOBAL 2000 press conference – How can post-growth succeed – 2024-05-07 07:49:41

by worldysnews
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GLOBAL 2000 invites you to a press conference with Christian Holzer (BMK) and Anke Schaffartzik (CEU) to talk about planetary boundaries and tools for an economy without growth pressure

Vienna (OTS) Whether it’s putting together economic stimulus packages, passing environmental laws or making political annual forecasts: economic growth is always the top priority. At the same time, the consequences of the pursuit of infinite growth are becoming increasingly noticeable. The climate crisis sets clear limits here. But there is often still a lack of clarity about what alternatives to growth at any price are available.

On the occasion of the 13th-15th GLOBAL 2000 invites you to the Beyond Growth conference on May 8th. to the press conference with Christian Holzer, Section Head for Environment and Circular Economy at the BMK and Anke Schaffartzik, Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at the Central European University, as well as Anna Leitner, expert for resources and supply chains at GLOBAL 2000. Possible solutions will be discussed together, measures of success beyond GDP will be examined, and solutions for an economic system that works for people and the planet will be identified.

When? 8.5.2024, 09:30

Wo? Blumenfabrik, Neustiftgasse 36, 1070 Vienna

Online? https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81782990288?pwd=Yy9mRWFZSGNoMXB0cjZObitwdllGdz09

Meeting ID: 817 8299 0288

Passcode: 933796

Please register at presse@global2000.at.

Questions & Contact:

Hannah Keller, press spokesperson GLOBAL 2000, hannah.keller@global2000.at, 0699 14 2000 64

#AVISO #GLOBAL #press #conference #postgrowth #succeed

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