Astronomers find evidence of the birth of Jesus Christ

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Editorial, CNBC Indonesia


Sunday 12/31/2023 07:20 IWST

Photo: CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – For many years astronomers have disagreed about the appearance of the Eastern Star, known through a story in Christmas traditions.

The Eastern Star is said to have guided the three Wise Men to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. The Eastern Star is also called the Christmas Star or the Star of Bethlehem.

In the Bible it is said that the three kings of the Magi came from the east to Bethlehem because they saw the star that marked the birth of the king of Israel.

For centuries, researchers from various backgrounds have tried to discover facts about the Eastern Star. The Gospel of Matthew written in 85 AD in ancient Greek uses the word “astra”.

According to IFL Science, astras can not only be interpreted as stars but also other celestial objects such as comets or planets.

“There’s a lot of debate about what the Eastern Star really is,” says Greg Brown of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.

“A unique event such as a supernova is a candidate, and has been recorded to have occurred around 4 BC. In addition to this, other events such as the alignment of the planets, Moon and stars, could also be recorded as events that have marked the birth of great people,” he continued.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the appearance of the Eastern Star is an added story without an actual celestial event. However, if it really happened, here are some “events in the sky” that were later described as the appearance of the Christmas Star.

Supernova of the eastern star

The positions of stars in the sky change only slightly, even over long periods of time. If a star “suddenly” appears in the sky, it’s probably because it suddenly shines very brightly. An event known as a supernova.

Supernovae are very rare. The earliest event was recorded by Chinese astronomers in 185 AD as a mysterious “guest star” visible for 8 months in the sky. Then there was Kepler’s supernova which was visible for 18 months starting in 1604.

There is also RCW103, which is the remnant of a supernova that exploded 2,000 years ago. Then there is the Hulse-Taylor pulsar in the constellation Aquila. Records from Korean and Chinese astronomers place the Hulse-Taylor explosion event between 4 BC and 2 BC

It could also be that what the three wise men saw was a nova, or a white dwarf whose brightness temporarily increases. When material attracted by gravity hits the surface of a white dwarf, the star shines very brightly.

Nova is more common than supernova. Every 18 months there is approximately one new nova visible to the naked eye.

Lines of celestial objects

It is possible that what the three Wise Men saw were objects. When two celestial bodies appear to be at their closest point to a third point. When this event occurs, the light from the two objects appears as a single light source.

“Depending on the object, they may be visible very close in the sky at certain periods of time. Conjugated [posisi segaris] “Those involving the Moon can last a few hours, while planetary ones can last several days,” Brown said.

There are several planetary events in alignment or conjugation that occurred in the period around the scale believed to be the year of Jesus’ birth. One of the closest in time is the conjugation of Jupiter and Saturn.

The problem is that this event will not look “special” from the surface of the Earth. Events that may seem more “unique” are the conjugation of the stars Regulus, Jupiter and Venus in 3 BC or the conjugation of Venus and Jupiter in 2 BC.

The problem, according to IFLScience, is that celestial events are not reliable guides. The rotation of the Earth means that the position of a celestial object appears to move from a certain point every few hours.

There is therefore another interpretation, namely that the Eastern Star is a comet moving in the sky.

Moving comets can be interpreted as directions that observers on Earth can follow. For example, as a tour guide in Bethlehem.

“The Eastern Star has long been interpreted as a comet, but in reality the problem is the same. The rotation of the Earth causes the position of an object to continue to change over the course of several hours. In addition to being a drive north and south, the direction of your travel will continue to change if you follow a celestial object,” Brown said.

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2023-12-31 00:20:00
#Astronomers #find #evidence #birth #Jesus #Christ

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