As soon as the surprise of the assassination subsides, political existence can go back to its outdated tactics

by worldysnews
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In an interview with the director of the Ipsos company, Jakub Hankovský, you’re going to learn:

  • how electorate can react to the assassination of Top Minister Robert Fico;
  • whether or not Slovakia can briefly get to the politics and moods sooner than the assault;
  • whether or not the assassination will have an effect on the result of the elections to the Ecu Parliament;
  • which was once already measured by means of Ipsos in a while after the assault on Robert Fico.

Every week in the past, a sad tournament came about in Handlova, extraordinarily atypical by means of Slovak requirements – the assassination of Top Minister Robert Fico. As a sociologist, you undoubtedly understand that Slovakia has been a politically divided nation for a very long time. Did this tournament build up the polarization much more or did other folks simply get scared and understand that it can not cross on like this?

To begin with, let me specific my feel sorry about for this complete incident and want Top Minister Robert Fico a rapid restoration. This is a horrible tournament that we will be able to surely be coping with now not just for weeks, months, but in addition for years. I feel books can be written about it. No less than skilled discourse, be it sociological, mental or political, will happen. This can be a little bit of a untimely query at this level. In recent times, we’ve got had a number of occasions that had been a surprise to society, modified other folks, society: whether or not it was once a virus or Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine. From the perspective of the improvement of public opinion, we’ve got at all times observed a brief level of the discussed surprise, when even the dimension of attitudes was once very tricky, as it was once steadily in accordance with the truth that other folks had been in surprise and may just now not but shape a transparent opinion.

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2024-05-25 13:24:38

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