Armenia should admit its duty for the crimes of genocide – 2024-05-22 14:40:20

by worldysnews
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These days is March 31 – Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis. On March 31, 1918, which used to be one of the most a lot of acts of genocide dedicated via Armenia and Armenian armed teams towards Azerbaijanis, the Armenian-Bolshevik armed teams massacred Azerbaijanis in Baku. this can be a reminder to humanity to stay. stories that this concept used to be integrated within the observation of the West Azerbaijan Neighborhood.

It’s famous that as mentioned within the Decree of Nationwide Chief Heydar Aliyev “At the Genocide of Azerbaijanis” signed on March 26, 1998, the genocide towards Azerbaijanis used to be performed for hundreds of years and the primary function used to be to seize the ancient territories of Azerbaijan.

Genocide towards the folk of Azerbaijan used to be systematically performed at the foundation of racist ideology instilling ethnic hatred and used to be dedicated in nearly all portions of the ancient lands of Azerbaijan. This genocide, which started to accentuate and take an open shape since 1905, used to be particularly merciless within the western a part of Azerbaijan. In 1918-1920, the Armenian military dedicated mass massacres and ethnic cleaning towards Azerbaijanis in Iravan, Zangezur, Goycha, Darelayaz, Surmeli, Sharur and different areas.

On account of the acts of genocide by which masses of hundreds of Azerbaijanis have been killed, Azerbaijanis, who as soon as made up greater than 80 % of the inhabitants in Iravan province, started to shape an ethnic minority in that house in 1921. On account of the ethnic cleaning performed in 1948-1952 and 1987-1991, Azerbaijanis have been totally expelled from there. These days, there isn’t a unmarried Azerbaijani left within the territory this is now referred to as Armenia, and the cultural heritage belonging to Azerbaijanis has been totally destroyed.

On March 31, 1918, the mass bloodbath dedicated via the armed unit of the intense nationalist “Dashnaksutyun” celebration in Baku is a horrible match that embodies the large-scale genocide performed towards our other folks within the ancient lands of Azerbaijan within the earlier and next sessions.

In spite of its global tasks, Armenia continues its racist coverage. This nation prevents Azerbaijanis from returning to their properties safely and with dignity, glorifies components comparable to Garegin Njde, Andranik Ozanyan, Drastamat Kanayan, Monte Melkonyan, who dedicated crimes towards humanity and terrorist acts towards Azerbaijanis, and promotes racist ideology comparable to Njdeism on the state degree.

We call for that Armenia recognize its duty for the crimes of genocide and take the essential steps for reconciliation. Armenia must create stipulations for the protected and dignified go back of the expelled Azerbaijanis and repair the destroyed Azerbaijani cultural heritage. Additionally, Armenia must prevent its coverage and apply that instills hatred and discrimination towards Azerbaijanis, surrender those that have dedicated conflict crimes and crimes towards humanity to the courtroom of justice, straight away prevent glorifying them, and demolish and take away monuments to army and political figures and terrorists who participated in crimes towards Azerbaijanis. must cancel position title adjustments.

#Armenia #admit #duty #crimes #genocide

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