Andalusia Plans New Covid-19 Vaccination Campaign for Fall Targeting Vulnerable Individuals

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Andalusia Considers New Vaccination Campaign in Autumn

SEVILLE, June 19 (EUROPA PRESS) – The Ministry of Health and Consumption of the Junta de Andalucía is studying the launch of a new vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in the autumn aimed at “vulnerable people” and will continue to recommend the use of masks in this group regardless of the final decision adopted by the Interterritorial Health Council.

Continued Mask Recommendations for Vulnerable People

The spokesperson for the Andalusian Government monitoring group on the coronavirus, Dr. Inmaculada Salcedo, revealed that the Board is awaiting a “technical report” from the Ministry of Health regarding the use of masks. The report will help establish the Board’s position on the matter. Salcedo emphasized that even if mask-wearing is no longer mandatory, recommendations will still be maintained in Andalusia due to the prevalence of the Omicron variant and the risk it poses to vulnerable individuals.

“Individual Responsibility” in Mask Usage

Dr. Salcedo acknowledged that Andalusia is not in favor of completely removing the mandatory nature of mask-wearing. The region continues to witness infections and hospitalizations, particularly among vulnerable individuals. Salcedo believes that citizens should exercise “individual responsibility” and continue wearing masks, regardless of legal requirements. He stressed the importance of being aware of one’s actions and their potential impact on others, especially in healthcare settings.

Salcedo highlighted instances where individuals with mild symptoms visit primary care centers, unknowingly exposing vulnerable family members to the virus. He emphasized the need for collective responsibility and urged people to consider the environment they are in, irrespective of regulations.

While the number of Covid cases requiring intensive care has decreased, Salcedo cautioned that vulnerable individuals remain at risk of severe illness or death. Therefore, continued vigilance and adherence to preventive measures are crucial.

Potential New Vaccination Campaign in Autumn

Regarding future vaccination efforts, Salcedo disclosed that the Ministry of Health is considering a new campaign in Andalusia for the autumn. The campaign would focus on administering booster doses to vulnerable individuals and developing specific vaccines targeting the Omicron variant.

Salcedo emphasized the importance of maintaining immunity in vulnerable populations, comparing it to annual flu vaccinations. Additionally, he asserted that masks should be present in healthcare settings during periods of high attendance, such as winter, as they have proven effective in protecting against various respiratory viruses.

“Hand hygiene and mask usage are cost-effective measures that have demonstrated their effectiveness in safeguarding against not only the coronavirus but also other respiratory viruses prevalent at this time,” concluded Salcedo.

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