AirTrim Sport – Korttest –

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KorttestAirTrim Sport

AirTrim saves your workout when the needle drops below minus 10.

AirTrim has a bit of an odd shape that doesn’t cover the chin. But it is not necessary and allows you to dose with clothes around the heat exchanger. Here I am slowly transforming into a life form composed only of scarves.

CameraFinn Jarle Kvalheim /


It’s winter and it’s the season of both illnesses and the common cold. Maybe you have things to do outside, maybe the outside is where you exercise and are active.

The combination of fifteen degrees below zero and tired lungs from the flu or Covid can be quite unpleasant. If you suffer from chronic lung problems, it is extremely important to take care of your airways in cold weather.

This is where so-called “heat exchangers” come into play. We asked Svenske Vapro to send their AirTrim out for a test drive.

Here you exhale through a filter that retains moisture and heat and ensures that the air you breathe becomes easier for your airways to handle.


AirTrim Sport

quoteAirTrim helps you breathe on the coldest days.


  • +

    Warms and humidifies the air

  • +

    Easy to change filters for different purposes and temperatures

  • +

    Compact on the face: facilitates the adaptation of other clothing

  • +

    Lightweight but quite durable material

  • +

    Covers both nose and mouth

  • +

    Prevents glasses from fogging up or scarves and buffs from freezing

Things to think about

  • Collects moisture inside the mask

  • I’m not sure how many seasons of use it can withstand

  • Unusual without covering the chin

If it’s cold enough, a cough will come

I don’t have chronic lung problems, but when I recently encountered Covid the weather reacted quickly and left me with 18 degrees below zero in the surrounding area – where I prefer to spend a couple of hours a day.

The cough that occurred internally after activity was sometimes intense.

When the air is 15 degrees below zero, most people risk respiratory irritation if the intensity is high enough.

Breathing through a large scarf or one or more pads works, but the pad collects moisture from the exhalation and eventually becomes stiff and frozen. It also becomes a little unpredictable where the exhaled air goes, for example if you wear glasses.

So how does AirTrim compare? Better, but not entirely without drawbacks.

Whether you’re using a balaclava or a pad to keep warm, the compact form factor means the AirTrim fits well with other clothing you wear. Here also a headlamp.

CameraFinn Jarle Kvalheim /

It does not appear in the moonlight

One benefit of a buffer and scarf is that, at best, you look like Lenny Kravitz. Photos of me with AirTrim on my face raised no doubt that I am the legendary funk artist, on the contrary, people wondered if I might have any special interests.

Because you will look pretty funny with this device on your face.

The AirTrim is made from a form of durable foam, which may resemble the texture and material that french fries are often served in, but feels much sturdier and can withstand being squashed in your bag.

Our version is the black one, but it also comes in gray and blue, and I think you’ll look just as funky in your surroundings no matter which one you choose.

Vibben is a free-running, breathing and panting cement worker with a protective mask on. But without cement.

He therefore gets limited style points.

It feels strangely naked with a mask that doesn’t cover the chin itself.

CameraFinn Jarle Kvalheim /

However, it does not cover the entire face

I initially thought the AirTrim was supposed to cover the entire face. It is not so. However, he covers both his nose and mouth.

Instead of covering the chin, the mask remains in the space between the mouth and the chin. It won’t be completely tight, but my experience is that it doesn’t need to be either.

Most of your breath will pass through the filter anyway.

A free chin also means more flexibility in dressing, for example if you still want to imitate the legendary funk artist Lenny Kravitz complete with scarves.

It also means you can wear it with a balaclava.

After some time getting used to it I didn’t notice anything unusual about the fact that it doesn’t cover the whole face, in fact I appreciated the flexibility of being able to pull the pad up to the mask from all sides.

Changing the filter is simple and only requires removing the old one. Filters can get too wet during long training sessions, so it’s a good idea to bring several and change them along the way.

CameraFinn Jarle Kvalheim /

Different and easy to change filters

There are varying degrees of breathing resistance and heating effect in various AirTrim filters. We tested variants with the “most common” filters for healthy lungs: sports and running. Both have good airflow and heat up a little, but not excessively.

You can also find race filters that heat less and let even more air pass through, to be used if it’s not very cold, or if the scarf flutters intensely behind the condom when you play sports.

For those with a chronic lung condition, there are also separate filters called “AirTrim Asthma”. These provide greater breathing resistance, but warm and moisten the air even better. I haven’t tried them and for people with chronic lung problems cold training is probably something best planned and executed after consulting a doctor. In any case, it might be useful to know that this tool exists.

You can purchase AirTrim with the various filters as a starter package, and you can purchase the filter separately. They alternate and change easily by “slipping” them in and out of the insert at the front of the mask. After some modifications no visible wear was found on the test mask.

It’s a fairly simple construction, with foam and a simple shoulder strap.

CameraFinn Jarle Kvalheim /

Medium shoulder strap

A simple shoulder strap can be worn behind the head. I think it might be a little on the simplest level, since it doesn’t have any kind of “cup” or rounded area securing it to where it should be placed.

At the same time, the simple strap means it can coexist well with other things you wear, like a powerful headlamp or ski goggles against the cold.

There’s also an element of “consumer goods” here. An AirTrim mask costs around NOK 600, including filters. And depending on usage, I suspect it will last a season or two. It makes sense not to have the most expensive shoulder strap – and this also has some advantages.

Water may accumulate inside the AirTrim during use. That water flows against your skin if you tilt your head back.

CameraFinn Jarle Kvalheim /

Collects moisture

Moisture is mainly eliminated through breathing and sweat, which is also what Porsgrund Porselen deals with.

And much of that moisture ends up as a small pond inside the respirator mask. Some ends up – and must end up – in the filter, so that the air you breathe in is moistened. After all, very cold air is usually also quite dry air.

Wearing the mask itself does not feel moisture-free and drops can form near the skin of the chin and within 15-20 minutes those drops can quickly cool if they drip on the outside of the mask if you look up for example.

But breathing occurs without glasses. Even during normal use, moisture does not come into contact with the skin. The material the mask is made of also prevents the moisture inside from becoming extremely cold where it is located. This is in contrast to the buffs I took off which remained frozen from the humidity I breathed in in the face of 18-20 degrees below zero.

There are a number of different filters for AirTrim. Here are the sports and racing filters. But there are also asthma filters for people who have chronic airway problems.

CameraFinn Jarle Kvalheim /

Conclusion: at the top when it’s really cold

After 8-10 days of covid coughing and uterine contractions as part of daily activity, AirTrim made a difference on the colder days. The coughs after me have become smaller and the feeling of constriction in the throat and lungs when breathing cold air has significantly decreased.

The discomfort of moisture freezing to the skin is also eliminated. And on colder days you’ll keep your ski goggles from fogging up with breath getting everywhere through a scarf or hat.

I find that the AirTrim air is actually significantly warmer than the surrounding air, and sometimes more so than when breathing through fabric clothing. But you can reproduce the effect if you just have enough tampons or scarves.

There is probably some potential for improvement, perhaps mostly in the fact that the mask could wick away moisture a little more effectively. The small reserve of excess moisture that accumulates should be expelled from the mask to prevent it from getting close to the skin.

But otherwise this saves your lungs on cold days, in a way that’s much more activity-friendly than any scarf or buffer could. It’s also easy to empty any droplets that collect inside and change a filter along the way.

Whether you have difficulty breathing heavily when it’s quite cold, or are coughing and especially sensitive after a bout of flu or covid, AirTrim can be a perfect and reasonably priced remedy to keep up your outdoor activities.

PS! We have not considered other similar products and there are not many similar products on the market either. Therefore we do not give a grade, but only a final rating and a recommendation stamp.


AirTrim Sport

quoteAirTrim helps you breathe on the coldest days.


  • +

    Warms and humidifies the air

  • +

    Easy to change filters for different purposes and temperatures

  • +

    Compact on the face: facilitates the adaptation of other clothing

  • +

    Lightweight but quite durable material

  • +

    Covers both nose and mouth

  • +

    Prevents glasses from fogging up or scarves and buffs from freezing

Things to think about

  • Collects moisture inside the mask

  • I’m not sure how many seasons of use it can withstand

  • Unusual without covering the chin

2023-12-29 09:00:00
#AirTrim #Sport #Korttest

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