9 Types of Hoya Ornamental Plants That Make Your Home Cooler

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JAKARTA – Hoya is a large genus of tropical flowering plants in the Apocynaceae family with more than 500 species. Also commonly called wax plant, this ornamental creeping hoya plant is native to Asia and is closely related to the milkweed plant of North America.

Hoya is popular as an ornamental plant for its thick foliage, attractive flowers, and minimal maintenance. Additionally, hoya species vary widely in shape and growth habits, making this houseplant even more popular.

Are you curious to know which types of hoya ornamental plants are suitable for the home? Here, VOI collects information from The spruceTuesday 9 January.

Hoya Carnosa

Hoya carnosa is the most common and popular type of hoya to grow indoors. These plants can be found in most nurseries and houseplant stores. Hoya carnosa is characterized by long shoots covered with thick oval leaves, sometimes dotted with white. There are many varieties and cultivars of carnosa available, popular ones include ‘Compacta’, ‘Krimson Princess’ and ‘Tricolor’.

Hoya Carnosa Compacta

Also called Hindu rope plant, hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’ is a popular variety of hoya carnosa. Because it is known for its wrinkled, curved leaves and grows on thick, rope-like tendrils. This is a slow growing variety and is loved for its low maintenance.

Hoya Pubicalyx

Hoya pubicalyx is increasingly popular thanks to the shape of its pointed leaves. There are several types of pubiclice, the most common are “Splash”, “Black Dragon”, “Pink Silver” and “Red Buttons”. This Hoya requires little maintenance and has an average growth rate. This plant grows best in bright, indirect light and dense, well-draining soil.

Hoya Kentiana

A spiky-leaved species, Hoya kentiana has edamame-like leaves with dark green and brown edges. Rare and hard to find, often kept by collectors and hoya enthusiasts. You can place this plant in a bright, warm, and humid location to help it thrive.

Hoya Kerry

Also known as the love plant or Valentine’s Day hoya, hoya kerrii is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves. You will usually see this plant sold as a single-leaf cutting. But it’s actually better to buy a complete plant because the individual leaves usually have no nodes to grow new foliage. There are several popular types of hoya kerrii, including hoya kerrii “Variegata” and hoya kerrii “Splash.”

Hi Matilde

Hoya Mathilde is the result of a cross between Hoya carnosa and Hoya serpens. The leaves are small, round and relatively small in size compared to other varieties. Although hoya serpens can be difficult to find, hoya mathilde is often sold in nurseries and greenhouses. It would be better if it was given a trellis as a means of propagation. If grown well, Hoya Mathilde will develop rapidly.

Hoya Serpents

Hoya serpens is famous for its small, round leaves and unique light green flowers. Compared to other types of hoya, it is considered a little difficult to care for, but grows quickly in the right conditions. The key is to keep the humidity high and the temperature warm.

Hoya Krohniana

Hoya krohniana has small, slightly triangular leaves. This plant grows best in bright, indirect light. Hoya krohniana is not suitable for living in places with poor lighting or direct sunlight. The flowers are creamy white with a sweet scent.

Hoya Australis

This is a common and popular type of hoya. At first glance it appears similar to Hoya carnosa, but there are some subtle differences that can help you distinguish between the two. Hoya australis has rounder leaves. The leaves are also slightly thinner than the thick, smooth leaves of the carnosa. This plant is considered easy to grow and care for and enjoys bright, indirect light.

Tag: leisure ornamental plants hobby

2024-01-09 05:39:00
#Types #Hoya #Ornamental #Plants #Home #Cooler

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